Chapter 25: Catching up

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Zylia's smile never falls as she listens to her family, holding Korra's hand gently. The siblings rambled about their adventures, the other Airbenders, their parents, and even about Korra. They had so much life filled with them, with all their own experiences and emotions. She was proud of their accomplishments, how could she not?

"Oh Zy!" Meelo exclaims hugging her tightly, he had barely let go of her. Ikki was close as well leaning into her, as her oldest of younger siblings was riding her own sky bison. "You have to see all the new airbenders! We have a friend name Kai-or more like- Jinora's boyfriend!" The girl turns back towards them with wide and harsh eyes.

"MEELO!" She screams, causing the oldest kid to giggle. This is that time of life to start develop these emotions. It was cute to her. "HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND! Dad would kill me." The meer mention of her father made Zy wince. She was still nervous of that. Not to mention...her own feelings towards the Avatar.

"More like they're playing chicken with each other." Ikki pipes in smugly. "They might work well as airbender a but she is too much of a bat-chicken to do anything about it." Zylia laughs as she places a hand on her sister shoulder.

"Its a lot more scary than you think Ikki, and plus. Jinora can take her time." Her eyes travels to her sister who thankfully smiled at her.

"How would you know? Are you in love or something?" Ikki asked seeming more excited towards the end of her sentence.

Before answering Zylia smiles smugly and nods. "Why yes, I am in love."

"KORRA TAKE THE WHEELE!" Jinora airbends her self towards her siblings and lands in front of Zy. She laughs as she looks over at the Avatar, as she blushes brightly, walking to the leads. "You're really in love?" The oldest sister nods as she smiles, looking away.

"Yep, i'm very much in love."

"TELL US ALL ABOUT IT!" They all shout, looking up with pleading eyes. It reminded her of when she'd tell them bed time stories.

"Alright." She complies clearing her throat. "I had met this person when I was young; must've been a bit younger than you, Meelo." The youngest of them points to himself, causing her to giggle. "We were great friends and I known her for years. But then I came back here permanently and well, we all know how that went." It was a small dark part in their past, but she smiles back at them. "I went my own path by myself. I had to. Well, I felt I had too. For a good while I was doing okay. But after a year, It all hit me. All this pain. Soon after I heard about Amon, The Equalist. I came back, I knew I would be able to help. But then I saw everyone safe...and it killed me to be there, I left again." For a moment she stops, feeling the guilt build up. "When I left again it made me think a lot more, like of you guys, dad, mom, and my friend. I wondered what life had taken them. If they were happy or not, feeling pride or shame. I wondered if they had any similar struggle like me because I remembered when we were together that we did. We had the good and the bad...I wanted to know if when they were low if they thought to me and how I was doing."

"You missed them." Jinora sadly said. "And us."

"Yeah...made me think if I stayed...would it have been better?" Zylia continues. "But I still couldn't drag myself back. A couple years past and I realized things and slowly found a path of recovery. Then all of a sudden, in an ally way I found what I thought was a tiger-raccoon sprawled being beaten by some random people, but it ended up being my friend sprawled on the ground!"

"WHAT!?" They shouted, slightly laughing.

"Yeah! I had to fight those guys off and they were knocked out cold!" They began to laugh again making Korra swing her head behind her, scoffing slightly. But Zylia notice her cheeks were red and stained. She had been crying. The parts before had touched her. "But I had taken them back to an inn with me and waited for them to wake up. I was so scared of the I meditated on it. I knew they were in some rough state of their own, but was there a way I could help. Cause I knew after noticing them that I definitely needed her..."

"Her?" Meelo asked tilting his head. Zylia blushes as shd slips up, chuckling.


"Go on!" Ikki urges. "Was there a kiss?"

"No." She informs. "I had just found her unconscious I'm not doing that."

"I MEAN DO YOU EVENTUALLY!?" She stands grabbing onto Zy's shirt, shaking her lightly.

"No! Not yet."

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" The two youngest shout making Jinora smile lightly as she looks behind her. Zylia knew that she knew who the girl in the story was. "Can you tell us who they are?"

"Is she beautiful?"

"Most stunning and radiant women I ever met."

"Is she a bender."

"Probably one of the most powerful benders I'll ever meet."

"Why wasn't she with you when we came?" Jinora ask, being cocky.

"Trust me, she's always with me." Soon she stand and walk over to sit besides her girl in her story. "Isn't that right?" She whispers.

"" Zylia instantly feel in love with the new nickname.

(A/N: AH! I hope you all enjoy! The next parts of the book's chapter are probably gonna be longer, but more of Korra and Zy! Anyways leave a comment!)

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