Chapter 23: Metal Blood

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"Don't say that about Korra!" Zylia looks at her, as Korra leans a bit more into the air nomad.

"I thought Su got it all out." Looking at the Avatar, Zy could tell she was shocked and embarrassed. "No, my girls never really picked up metalbending all that well, if you asked me." Suddenly Korra seems to tense as she rushes towards Toph.

"That's been my problem this entire time!" She grabs ahold of Toph, who slightly frowns. "I gotta get it out. You can get it out of me, right?"

"Who do you think your talking to?" She then shoves Korra way from her face, her stumbling back into Zylia, who catches her and helps her stand up. The two look at one another and smiles. Blushes spreading through both young adults. "Lay on the bed, It'll be better." Korra nods as she detach herself and lays down, giving a nervous thumbs up to Zy.

She smiles as she returns her own. Hopping for the best. "Ok, if you want my to bend this out if you, you need to relax." Toph mutters, her arms crossed. "I am relaxed."

"Ha! Seriously? Your body is like a twisted tree trunk!" Korra frowns, making Zylia shakes her head and crosses her arms. "Toph, laughing at her isn't gonna relax her."

"Well then she should just relax." She continues to laugh, angering the girl slightly.

"You can't laugh! That'll-"

"Just do it!" Korra shouts suddenly, looking at the pair. "I'm ready." The old women cracks her neck in response, hovering her hands over the girls feel and making a pulling motion. Zylia bits her fingers a Korra jolts up wincing. "It wouldn't hurt if you would just relax. Stop fighting me!"

"I'm not fighting!" Korra lays back down, making Toph continue. Though Zylia looks at the girls face, seeing distress and sweat. Quickly Korra screams in pain and jolts back up again. Zylia rushes toward her side rubbing her back as she kneels besides the bed. "All right, that's it." Toph grunts. "You're gonna have to do it yourself. Clearly you want to keep the metal in there."

"What do you mean?" Zylia ask, rubbing her back more. "Why would she want the poison to be stuck in there?"

"I don't know. Maybe so she has an excuse not to go back to being the Avatar." Snapping like puzzle pieces Zy looks at Korra, who keeps her head low. "If you don't get better, you can't do your job, so you don't have to do your job again."

"What?" Standing suddenly Korra huffs out emotions. "That's ridiculous!"

"Whatever. When you want it out, you can bend it out. I can't deal with all your issues." Toph begins to walk out the small cave as Korra chases her out, asking questions.

With worry, Zylia sits down hurriedly, beginning to meditate. Her eyes furrow. As she tries to go through. Korra needs my help. The harder she tried the harder it got. With a failed sigh Zy stops, bitting her lip. I've distracted her from being the Avatar...for months.


Morning came again days passing. This morning was the same,  Zylia ventures through the swamp, looking for ingredients that Toph had requested. Again.

She never mind it, but she never quite enjoyed fighting off random animals either.  Though as she spots the familiar bolder, she sighs, looking around for the mushroom. "Sent you on a goose chase too?" She looks back at Korra who walk towards her. "She wanted me to grab mushrooms."

"Toph told me the same thing!" Zylia glares back down the path annoyed. "She really is sending us off a goose chase."  Zylia looks around grabbing some of the slimy shrooms. "How have you been feeling?" She ask Korra, seeing her sigh.

"I thought Toph me." Her head hung low as she shrugs. "I think I'm confused, and I think she's right." Cyan met green, her eyes watery. "I think I am afraid of being the Avatar again..."

Zylia puts down the mushroom and hugs the girl. "Maybe I've been a distraction." Korra pushes her away slightly looking at her in confusion. "What? No you haven't! Anything you've been helping me more than that old bat!" Zylia chuckles, but shamefully looks away, feeling Korra's hand in her cheek. "I mean it. You made me feel stronger. Zy, you helped me realize that I'm worth more than my past. That there are people who care so much to help me. Including you, Snowbug."

A small smile places her face as she looks back at the Avatar. Remembering the old nickname from so long ago. Leaning into Korra's touch. "You helped me, so much. I am so grateful for your selflessness and kindhearted-ness." Chuckling she nods.

"Well. Good." She says after. "Maybe... maybe Toph and I are supposed to guide you, and you're the one who will put yourself together." Korra nods making her lean her body into Zy's, her arm wrapping around her neck as Zy hugs underneath the Avatar's arm. The other arm goes to her head, messing with her hair. The two in silents. "I love this." The avatar mentions, starting to relax.

"I love it too." It was silent for a moment as they both rock lightly, dancing to the bull frogs rib-bits. Zylia could feel warmth around them, and I was majestic.

Though a small shiver goes up her spine, and feels Korra abruptly pull away. "Korra?" She then sees her look behind her in fear, and her eyes follow. At first her eyes spots Korra. Her hair was long and tangled, her hands had chains, a powerful weapon.

As she blinks and looks again the figure was gone, and immediately she turns back to Korra. Her face looked petrified as she slides down to the ground. "Korra." She whispers helping her down and seeing her hold her knees. "'ve been see her? All this time." Korra nods as she shivers lightly. Zylia sits and hugs her lightly, feeling her fears.

"I'm here." She whispers, petting her hair. "I'm here my spirit. I'm here." Zylia whispers as she rocks her, trying to calm her. She kisses her head and kept the whispers going, feeling Korra relax ever so slightly.

"I'm afraid to be like her." She whispers back. "I'm afraid of getting so hurt that I haunt my own self." Zylia knew that she had nothing to say, she didn't know what would help. Instead she hugs her tightly, petting her.

"I'll be here with you, every step of the way." Korra nods as she leans more into her, there wilted closing.

Not AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora