Chapter 24: Metal gone, Siblings here

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"There you are!" Korra jumps as she stands quickly, along with Zy. "You got me my dinner?" She ask, a smirk on her face.

"No." She answers, feeling the truth wanting to burst. She was still trying to regain her strength from the encounter. "This swamp, it did crazy things to my mind. I had visions of all the times my enemies hurt me." A hand lands into her shoulder, causing her to softly smile as she reaches up for the non-bender's hand.

"Yeah, I figured something like that might've happened." Korra looks at her shocked and exclaimed: "What!?"

"You wanted me me to see those vision?" Korra asked, feeling hurt. "You are one twisted old lady, you know that?"

"Maybe, Korra, there's a reason." Zylia speaks. Korra looks at her a bit frustrated, but sighs. "Maybe this is how the swamp wants to heal you."

"It is." Toph says after, causing her to sit on a giant root, the girls joining. "It can sense that you are out of balance. It'll teach you what you need to learn, if you're open to listen." Korra nods as she gets into a meditation position, relaxing.

"Okay Swamp, I'm all ears."

"Now you said you saw your past enemies. Now, why do you think that is?" Toph ask.

"I don't know." Korra frowns. "Maybe because they made me and a lot of others suffer."

Tooth then gets into her own position and lightly sighs. "Sounds like to me that you're carrying around your former enemies, the same way you're carrying that metal poison. Have you ever considered that you could learn from them?"

"Sounds like the Swamp messes with your mind too." Korra denies her theory as she looks back at Toph.

"My mind is fine, thank you."

"She means that you can learn from the fact that all of those you fought were doing it for a good cause." Zylia chimes in.

"Exactly. What did Amon want? Equality for all. Unalaq? He brought back the spirits. And Zaheer believed in freedom."

"I guess." The Avatar says unsure of the girls point.

"The problem was, those guys were totally out of balance and took their ideologies too far." Toph finish her claim.

Korra felt the gears click as she faces her teacher. "Maybe you're right. But how do I move on?"

Toph grumbles about having to hand hold the Avatars as she ushers the girls to follow her to the Banyan Grove Tree. "Really!" Zylia gasp excitingly. "I've always wanted to go there."

"Why?" Korra ask, a soft smile on her face as she sees a cute side of Zy.

"I used to read a lot about certain spiritual places, thanks to my dad. Like the Tree of time, the Southern Lights and Northern Light, the Spirit Forest in the Northern Watertribe and the Banyan Grove Tree." She rants. "I've always wanted to go...I thought if I can't be an airbender than I can travel and be a spiritual guide."

"That's a good idea."

"Yeah. I'm actually pretty good at being spiritual without the bending." She smiles as she grabs Korra's hand, smiling. "I'll always help you along the way.


"It's Beautiful." Both girls murmurs as they see the giant tree up close and personally, the sun hitting it so perfectly.

"The root of the Banyan Grove Tree spread out in every direction for miles," Toph says continuing forward.

"Connecting the entire swamp." Zylia finishes.

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