Chapter thirteen: The Truth

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A month had passed since the incident, both girls got along greatly and found out more about one another. Zy found out about some of Korra's old friends and Ex. She told funny story's about them, and seemed to cheer her up, but also miss them more. This began to make Zy wonder if she should tell Korra of her past, to reveal the full photo of who she is from, and maybe how she knows about her real identity.

It was hard because she was unsure if it would be the best idea or not. Her green eyes travels towards Korra's sleeping body.  For the past month she seemed to sleep better, with some incoherent mumbles. Zy always made sure she was there for Korra, whispering her presents and how she was okay. It was honestly a true blessing to see her at this amount of peace. Her face looked soft and gentle, thoughts always occur about holding it and caressing. "You know," Korra's sleepy voice cuts Zylia's thoughts, watching her eyes slowly open. "when someone is not facing you, they can still feel your gaze." The green eyed girl chuckles at those familiar words, making her sits up, followed by Korra. "Everything alright?"

Korra and Zy we're back in another Inn sitting in a bed, that is now able to fit both of them perfectly. But Korra's question seemed to fly past Zylia as she began to stand. "Yeah," She lies. "I'm going to shower, my muscles feel sore." She looks at Korra who nods.

"Okay. I'll wait here." They smile at each other before Zylia leaves the room and into the small bathroom. She turns the shower in and undresses, looking at herself in the mirror, seeing a scar across her chest. The scar was left with in a year of leaving home.

Those events made her really grow up.

Her eyes wonders her body, seeming an odd feeling from it. She was use to herself, but sometimes she felt insecure about it. Though she shakes the thought and hop in the shower. It was a great place to think away. Should I tell her? She questions herself, unsure what it would lead to. Though she knew she'd have to eventually. Maybe the sooner is the better.


After having a long shower and preparing for her speech to Korra, Zy realized she had forgotten to bring spare clothing. Sighing she cracks the door open, a towel around her body. Her head pops out seeing Korra look at her. "I forgot to grab clean clothing." The Nomad walks out to her bag grabbing out new bottoms and panties. She turns around and see Korra staring at her. In awe. "What?"

"You look really beautiful." This makes the Water Tribe girl cover her mouth quickly. "I'm sorry." Her voice mumbles, making Zylia smile. That was attractive of her to say. She couldn't deny.

"Don't be." She says walking towards her tilting her head. "I think you look beautiful too, Korra." Zy then walks into the bathroom and puts on her shirt and  shorts, and then walks out. Her breath comes in deeply, letting it out as heavily. Preparing herself. "Korra, I need to tell you something." She sits down in front of Korra, who's embarrassed expression soon turned concerned.

"What's wrong Zy?" The tanner girl grabs Zylia's hand, giving it a light squeeze. In return she squeezes back, smiling at her lightly. She was unaware that they were on this level of..friendship.

"Look, this might be a lot to take in, but I hope..." Korra then seemed confused, but also skeptical of her words. "But here we go. Zy isn't my entire name, my full name... It's Zylia, and I'm the first born to Tenzin and Pema, the Air benders." Korra's eyes widen in shock making her look away slightly, being in thought. It was expected. "I know that seems weird, and it was unfair that I haven't told you, but I'm from the last- well was- last of the Air Benders, and I'm an Non Bender. Throughout my life my father had discourage me and said things and forgotten about me because of that. I got the Sword from my Great Uncle Sokka, and-"

"I remember you now." Zy look at Korra as she slowly looks back at the Air Nomad. "We were friends when we were younger." This makes her smile and nod.

"Yeah, we were."

"So then-"

"I've known you were the Avatar since I found you unconscious." She finally admits. "Even though I'm no Airbender I still am very spiritual, and I could remember your energy when I was younger." Korra nods, seeming to have a guilty expression. "I'm sorry I kept it this all till now, I wasn't sure if I should or not, or when to. Though recently I've been thinking about it, and here we are." Korra nods as she leans her body into Zylia, seeming to surprise her slightly.

"I'm just glad to know everything. I'm glad that I was never forgotten by you..." Zylia smiles lightly wrapping her arms around Korra's muscular body. "I should've known sooner, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, don't dwell on it." Her blue eyes looks up at her friend's eyes, making her smile not leave her face. "We can talk more in the morning. For now, we should rest." Korra nods, making the two lay down and get comfortable. At first they lay there, not holding each other.

"Zylia?" The girl hums, in response. "I know this might sound pathetic...but could you cuddle me?" This makes the girl giggle slightly, as they face each other.

"It's not pathetic. It's cute." Zylia opens her arms for Korra, who scoots into her arms and nuzzles into her soft body. "Good Night, Korra."

"Goodnight Zylia."

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