Chapter Five: Leaving Town

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Morning comes through the curtains, hitting a light skin girl's face. The sun irritates her eyes, making them open, but soon regrets it, squinting after. Zylia quietly groans, making her sit up, only wearing her brown shirt and shorts, having proper rest. Last night, after they had eaten some fruit, Korra offered to sleep on the small chair, since she took up the bed the pervious night, it made Zylia feel guilty after she kept persist for her to get a good quality rest. She eventually listen, passing out almost immediately.

A small smiles forms onto her pink lips, as she looks over at her slumped body. It was nice having someone on the road with her, even if she had forgotten about her. She doesn't blame the Avatar for that, she in herself looks a lot different than when she was a young teen. Her head was long and she wasn't so sun kissed. At the time she had grown to be independent and after leaving Zylia grew up to an adult, a survivalist. She's done and seen things that change your child/teen expience. Even she knew that Korra experienced all of that too.

Korra really shaped up... She admires the muscles and physique of her friend, it was strange, she was a strong kid, but now, she was a whole adult that could probably take anyone down (when she's at her prime). It was shocking and all around amazing to Zylia. Korra is a women, a whole adult just as herself. Soon the said women begins to stir awake, making Zylia look away. "Sleep good?" Zy ask, noticing her stand.

"No, I didn't really sleep." Her eyes travel back to Korra, just in time to see her lift her shirt up scratching her toned abs. Holy fuck... "You sleep at all?" Korra turn back towards the girl, making Zylia look away with a blush.

"It was fine..." Quickly she makes herself grab her clothing heading into the bathroom. "Changing, don't come in." She turns to see Korra nodding with a yawn. Zylia shits the door behind her and puts on er bag pants and slips her hooded vest over her long sleeved. Soon she returns out, fixing her short hair. "I have to go do some work, once I'm back we'll be on our way." She informs, making the darker skinned girl have a questioning look.

"Are you robbing people?" Korra asked, seeming serious.

"No!" Zy puts her hands up and shakes her head. "No, I'm just helping this old lady with her field." Korra nods, heading towards the bathroom.

"Well, I'll see you later then."

"Okay, try taking a nap, since you didn't sleep well" With that the green eyed girl leaves, heading towards Ms.Shiro's place.


Zylia grabs a bundle of the crop and starts to tie it, along with the older women. The two finished the rest of the field, only having to start the bundles. The work was easier then the picking and cutting, but less active on your feet. "How are is that friend of yours?" Zy looks at the gray haired women, who continues to do her work.

"I talked to her once she came back last night, and I think she's taking the first step of becoming better." The girl continues her own work, making the lady hum.

"Being friends with the Avatar must seem hard, huh?" This slightly startles Zylia, as she looks back at the women who nears her gaze.

"We were friends." She says truthfully. "But it's been so long. Korra seems lost and broken. But she agreed to come with me. I'm going to help her back." Shiro smiles at her and looks away from her. "How did you know?" A small chuckle escapes the old women's throat, making Zylia a bit confused.

"I know because I see more spirits around, I knew it wasn't you. You give off Air Bending aura, but I can still feel the lingering sense of the Avatar on you." Zylia looks away and does her own work, a small chuckle leaving her mouth. That was impressive. Earth benders usually weren't that connected to their spiritual sides.

"You're good." Zy admits. "Though I am no Air Bender...though my family is." Ms.Shiro than chuckles as they both continue to work.

"You still have that spiritual connection like one." Zylia nods as she finishes the last of her pill, noticing it was at least past noon. She has to leave soon. "You finished." The brunette nods making the gray hair women nod back. "You're free too leave." They both stand facing each other. "But follow me." The two walk back into her home, Ms.Shiro guiding the way. As she wobbles, Zy looks around and smiles at the homeyness the house brought. "Here." Zy looks seeing the women give her a huge stack of money, making Zylia shocked.

"That's a lot, you don't-"

"Don't be modest." She cuts her off and smiles. "You deserve it. For you and the troubled Avatar, spend it wisely Zylia." The girl nods taking the money putting it in her small coin purse. "Be on your way, your world needs you."

"Thank you." She felt confused for the your world part but shakes it away.

"No, thank you." They both bow for a final time, making Zylia head back to the Inn, having long strides. Soon she gets back into the room, seeing Korra packing. The two stare at each other. Zylia looks into her ice blue eyes, feeling her eyes melt her instead of freeze her. "You ready, cutie?"

"Cutie?" The sight of embarrassment and bashfulness fills her face making Zylia nod.

"Yeah, you're cute, so Cutie." Korra only looks away shyly, putting away a small mirror.

"I'm ready, Zy." The girl crosses her arms, cocking her brows.

"No nick name, huh?" Korra faces her and shrugs.

"Haven't found one yet." Zylia nods with a small smirk as she looks under the bed, pulling out a sword and it's case, tying it around her waist. "Nice sword."

"Thanks." Zy then fixed her bag and smiles at Korra. "Ready Cutie?"

"As I'll ever be."

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