Chapter 26: Zaofu's Unwelcomed Problem

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Soon Jinora took her place as the driver, seeming confused. "You weren't taking us to the right direction Korra, you aware?" The Avatar nods as she looks through the sky. A glow on her face that Zylia couldn't help but admire.

"I am, we're  heading to Zaofu." The airbending kids looked at her confused.

"Are you sure we should be going?" The airbending master asks again. "Dad would want us to head back home." Zylia this time steps in.

"If what you said earlier about Kuvira is true we have to get to her." Selfishly she was also wanting to distract from the idea of her father.

"She needs to know that the Avatar is back. The world needs to know." Korra finishes, looking at Zy, their eyes colliding.

"Whoohoo!" Cheers the youngest. "Avatar fight! This is gonna be awesome!" Not meaning to encourage him Zylia giggle's his little hot headedness was just silly. He looks back and nudges his older sister. It was odd to see this bow be come almost a teen. He had a light buzz cut and just a more grown look to him.

"Meelo, there isn't going to be a fight." Korra assures. "Kuvira saved my dad. She was captine of Su's guard, I think she can be reasoned with." Zy puts a hand on her shoulder, turning her towards her.

"You think so?" She didn't know much about the women, besides of what towns have rumored/spoke of. Letting bandits raid their land if they didnt comply, and paid them too. It was odd, it was cruel. Korra's eyes stared back, Zylia didn't know what she felt, but she knew that she needed to support her regardless. "I'll stand by you then."


It wasn't long before they got close to their destination. Zylia had gone once before, her father had a meeting to attend and brought along his only child (at the time) and his wife. When she attended she was at awe of the place it wasn't as big as it probably is today, but still there was so many people. Pema and her would explore the town, even spending time with the Beifongs.

Most of her memory was foggy, she was barely five. But as they clear over the mountains there was one thing she knew for sure. That large army was definitely not Zaofu's. Both older women look at each other. What was Kuvia's plans? Zylia didn't know much about her, Korra had mentioned her on the way there, talking about who she was. They were both concern about Kuvia's sudden new path of conquest. How was this all going to go down?

With in a few minutes they land, the Zaofu's men/women welcoming. "Master Jinora, airbender's. Welcome!" One of them greets, helping the bison. "And who are..." He slowly stops as he stares directly at- "Avatar." He breathlessly lets out.

"You know it." She replies, the man gather's himself and clears his throat.

"We are honored! Su will be very pleased. As you can tell." He gestures towards outside the city making the Avatar nod. "I'll lead you all to her." He hands the leads to someone else and begins to stroll back through the city. Zylia was right, Zaofu was much larger much more interesting than last time.

"Maybe we can come visit here laster." Korra lead towards the other women, whispering. "Its amazing here."

"I bet." She smiles back, bumping her lightly. "But we gotta get out head in the game! Maybe tonight we can talk about it more." Korra nods as she smiles brightly, the pair flustered looking away. They then were inside one of the building being led straight towards big door. The man opens the door, another worker helping, leading them in.

The room was large, with nice furniture and bookcases. It was a study of some sort, and boy was if charming. There stood the Beifongs, eyes wide at the surprise. "Korra?" The eldest women ask, stepping closer. "I can't believe it. Where have you been?" She immediately hugs her, making the Avatar return the gesture. "You disappeared. Everyone was so worried."

"I'll tell you the whole story later." She cuts her off, making Zy place a hand on her shoulder.

"And this is...?" Su asked, staring curiously.

"We met a long while ago," Zy starts. "I'm Zylia, Tenzin's oldest." Her eyes widen as she looks at her up and down. "But we have bigger matters in our hands." She then squeezes her friend qently making her continues.

"Right now, I want to help you stop Kuvira. What can I do?" Su nods as she begins to explain what had happened earlier. She had came in with her spouse (Su's eldesf son, Baatar Jr.) and Bolin (Korra's friend). They tried to friendly see their point of view, but Su refused. Kuvira gave them a 24 hour notice of war if they still dont agree. It was intimidating and harsh. She wasn't backing down.

She then offered to have the you get kids go have some treats, and they rushed off. "Korra and Zylia, let's speak more outside." They nod and follow Zaofu's leader to a small Metal Museum outaide, but Zylia notices the metal dome now covering this part of the city. It was still so fascinating to her. It made it seem like it was night time.

"How did things get so bad between you and Kuvira?" Korra turns her attention to Su, continuing. "I thought she was your protégés?"

Su sighs, looking away from them. "She was more than that. She was like a daughter. I took her in when she was eight and nourished her talents. She rose in rank and quite frankly, I saw myself in her."

"What happened?" Su then explains what sparked her new ideals. After the fall of the Earth Queen the president of Republic City and even Zy's own father came to propose that Su take a hold of this power vacuum, thinking she'd be fitting. Though she turned it down, it wasn't something she wanted. She didn't need more people/land, she had what she needed. It would've just cause more commotion. Her ideals weren't for everyone and she respected that.

Kuvira spoke up, advising Su to take this opportunity. Seeing the bright progress of their home should be considered for everyone in the earth kingdom. Su tried to explain why her way to the young commander, but she kept fighting back. Su though stopped the conversation, not knowing it was the start to this.

The commander eventually convinced Baatar Jr of her plans and along with a quarter of Zaofu. She then left, wanting to restore order, but to Su she knew this was a start of something terrible. "I want to fix this." Korra steps in.

"You can. Go into the Avatar and demolish her army. Remove Kuvira from power once and for all." The Avatar shakes her head to Su's advice.

"Fighting is something the old would have done. It made things worse." Zylia smiles proudly at her words, Korra was growing. "Let me talk to Kuvira, reason with her."

"Kuvira doesn't listen to reason." She warns. "But you can try." Su then leaves leaving the girls alone. Zylia turns to Korra holding her hand. "You're doing great." She praises, noticing Korra's spirit conflicting.

"I'm just worried if she's right." Zylia rubs her thumb over Korra's rugged knuckles. "I mean...I'm new to this peaceful action and I'm not sure how fighting me will be either."

"Korra, maybe meditate about it." She advice grabbing Korra's other hand and leading them to sit. "We can do it together and then you can go talk to her."

"Okay..." They take a moment to look at each other, smiling.

(A/N: Sorry for a long wait! I dont know why its taking me so long! Anyhow! I'll be going over old chapter to fix up some grammar/story. It's kinda messy, but just prepare for that.

Lastly, the rest of these chapter are gonna be a bit longer. But lmk if it seems too much in one chapter. Anyways hope you enjoy!)

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