🍵6. Sufganiyots

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(Hello all, this reader will be Jewish! If you celebrate Hanukkah, feel free to let me know if anything is wrong! Also it was fun to research something I knew little about, especially if it might make someone feel seen and represented.)

"Hey, are you okay?" Takumi asks, walking into my apartment room. As a wealthier student of Totsuki, I have my lodgings not far from the campus, and next to a certain couple of brothers.

I wipe the tears away. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just..."

"Is it because you can't see your family for the holidays?" He asks gently.

"I just... I miss them. This quarantine sucks."

I've been stuck in this tiny apartment for a week since Totsuki let out of classes, my only company being for food and waste management.

"Agreed. Well, Isami and I have to stay here for the holidays, too, so we should have a little party. If you want, of course."

"We aren't supposed to leave our apartments," I laugh in anguish. "You're not even supposed to be here."

"It'll be fine, it's for the holidays after all. It's not like we'll spread anything to anyone but ourselves."

"I guess that's true." I have to suppress another pang. There's so many dishes important to my family, that bring us together and I can't imagine being without them both. "I'll bring something for it then."

"Isami and I have a main and a dessert planned out, could you maybe bring any sides you like?"

I agree, writing down the date and time, and watch him sneak back to his apartment.

--- ---

A few days have passed, and it's the day of our little lunch get-together. I take a deep sigh. I hope they remember about my restrictions.

I knock on their door, and it opens up hastily. "Hey Y/n, come on in," Isami smiles. I smile back, and carry myself inside.

He closes the door behind me, and Takumi beckons me over to the table. "You can put yours here," he gestures to an empty spot, and I comply.

The three of us get settled at the table, and I have to say I'm rather hungry, especially for real food. It smells decadent and delicious.

Takumi holds out a hand for each of us, and the three of us take turns praying and giving thanks.

It's rather homely. The two of them are all smiles and comfortable to be around. Humble and gentle.

As I open my eyes, they begin unveiling the food.

Fancily sliced and manicured duck and brisket, vibrant and refined Italian ratatouille, haddock fried in olive oil with garlic and lemon, as well as various other delicacies, adorn the table like jewels.

Not a thing that I can't eat, aside from a cheese platter between the two of them. Tears prick my eyes, but I fight them from falling. They must have been really careful with the planning of the meal.

"Those latkes are made with speciality ingredients, to make them stand out from normal latkes, hm?" Takumi takes in the sight of the golden potato pancakes.

"Yes, I wanted to do something special with both my heritage and what I've learned since coming to Totsuki," I join them as we fill our plates.

Isami grins sweetly. "We're glad you could make it, it must be lonely to be the only one in your apartment."

"Thank you for inviting me. I've been keeping busy with calling up family and prepping new dishes, but it's nice to talk to someone face-to-face," I admit.

"Any time," Takumi punctuates. "We figured, since we can't be with our families for Christmas, and as this is the week of Hanukkah, we might as well have something to lighten our hearts up."

The three of us fall into blissful chatter as we eat, our stomachs and hearts warming up as we spend this day together.

"So how has your family been celebrating Hanukkah with all the pandemic madness?" Takumi takes a bite of latke.

"We do a big family Chanukah video call every night. We even played dreidel virtually. Eating some fried foods and singing, and pray to see one another soon."

"That sounds nice," Isami softly replies. "We've been video calling our family back home every few days."

I take another bite of the hot, flaky haddock, the lemon and garlic teasing my tongue and dancing with the olive oil.

Soon enough, our stomachs are full, and the three of us are watching The Polar Express. It's been ages since I've watched it, and the two of them are seemingly engrossed with it; or maybe they're just full and tired.

Either way, I'm touched by what they've done for me today. Maybe making friends out of them is a good idea.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Takumi rushes to the kitchenette and back, bringing a plate of... donuts fried and filled with freshly made jelly.


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