SFW Alphabet: Kurokiba Ryō

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(Warning: I might be biased because of my daydream delusions, leave me alone)

A - Affection
Ehhhh. He's not a big fan of PDA, but in private he's much more forthcoming with his affection. Forehead/head kisses are a must, and he gives wonderful cuddles.

B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The first meet and the beginning of the friendship is mostly with Alice, and if you're nice to him, he'll be amiable. Eventually he will begin to shadow you how he does Alice, always curious and protective.

C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
At first-- no. He's rigid and awkward and doesn't see the point in it. But if you push, he'll cave in. And soon the scent of you and how soft you are in his arms will grow on him, and he'll no longer protest when you ask.

D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
After graduating Totsuki, he'll likely want to travel and expand his level of cooking, which will involve travel. But unless you're tied down, you can come with him. How romantic, traveling the world with him, hmm? And ofc his cooking goes unrivaled to you. And the diligence in the kitchen also makes him good at cleaning, too.

E - Ending (How would they break it off if they were to break up with their SO?)
Wahhhhhhh let's not go here I'm fragile

F - Fiance(é) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Once he and you are together, he's not going to treat the relationship lightly. He's dedicated and committed to you. His hierarchy: His food, you, and Miss Alice. He'll likely want to get married when you both agree that it feels right.

G - Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Headband off, he's meh. He'll listen to you and always be there for you. Gentle headkisses, a hand on your shoulder. Headband on, he's a little less gentle. More gruff and angry-- though a face from you makes sure he doesn't direct his anger in your direction.

H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often and how long? How do their hugs feel?)
They're ok to him. He'll oblige you. If he gets comfortable, you'll get stuck with him hugging you though. If he's having a rough day, he'll ask for exactly that.

I - I love you (How soon do they say it?)
He'll probably feel it far sooner than he says it, and he's more likely to say it as a response to you.

J - Jealousy (How much, What makes them jealous, What they do)
I feel like he'd get jealous at others flirting with you, but he's more likely to do something subtle, like wrap his arms around you or stand behind or beside you. Unless it's Alice, but we don't go there yet--

K - Kisses (What their kisses are like, where they like them, where they like to give them)
I've already stated this, but let's continue! Head kisses, forehead kisses, cheek kisses. He's chaste but warm. He likes when you kiss his cheeks and lips.

L - Little Ones (how are they around children?)
Faintly annoyed, aloof. Don't want much to do with them... I mean, unless they're his. He'll make an exception then.

M - Mornings
When you live together, mornings will be a bit of a warm tangled mess, as he likes to hold you in his sleep, and doesn't always like to let you go in the morning until he's ready to get up for the day.

N - Nights
Both of you will cook dinner, and then clean up afterwards, and chill and debrief about your days. Then the two of you do the usual bedtime routines, and crawl in bed to sleep+. He usually starts out holding you in his arms, but he likes to turn in his sleep, tangling both of you in the sheets.

O - Open (How/when they start opening up)
He'll be friends with you for a long while before he ever wants to be more with you, and when he decides that he wants to pursue you, he'll begin opening up to you.

P - Patience (What gets them angry)
I don't want to do this one. He doesn't stay mad at you long, and you do the same for him.

Q - Quizzes (How much they remember about you)
He doesn't seem like the type to remember a lot about his SO, but he does. The small things your lips curl up at, the way you focus when you go past that particular thing in the store. He notices.

R - Remember (Their favourite memory together with you)
The first date the two of you went on, where Alice and Erina tagged along on accident. Well, actually, you joined their outing and the two of you started meeting eyes. Eventually, he and you fell behind Alice and Erina, talking about anything that came to mind. You even locked your pinky finger with his, which unknowingly to you made his heart flutter.

S - Secure (How protective they are)
He knows how well you can handle yourself, and protects you accordingly. It's not hard, when he's that scary to other people. Wrapping his arms around you wards off most dangerous people, and anything else should also be afraid.

T - Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Ehh. Semantics aren't exactly his thing, but for you... Anything that he sees you care about, he'll make sure to do.

U - Ugly (Bad habits they have)
He gets a little lazy, and he sometimes doesn't take a shower after his workouts, which gets gross. Also he uses your shampoo and doesn't put it back where it goes. Sometimes he also gets irritable in the kitchen, so cooking together is sometimes a no-go.

V - Vanity (How concerned they are with their looks)
Not very. Alice is probably more concerned.

W - Will You (How would they propose)
First, you'd both talk about where you're at in the relationship, and decide together that you're ready, and he puts the ring on the table sometime around dinner or breakfast.

X - Xtra (An additional headcanon)
What if you were on his back while he did pushups that'd be fun lol

Y - Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Anyone who is TOO meek or timid, or someone that can't handle criticism. Anyone who doesn't have a drive or ambition for something. Anyone that doesn't get along with Alice.

Z - Zzz (What is are some sleeping habits of theirs?)
He only snores occasionally, but he talks in his sleep more. Mostly about cooking and you and Alice. As said, he hold you in his sleep. What a cutie.

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