🍵12. Eggnog

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( We stan poly fics. Last Taste of Christmas! It's been so much fun!!)

I heave a sigh as I sink into the water, trying to resolve the tension in my body. Today was long, far longer than any day should feel.

The hot bath reaches my neck, and a body crawls in on one side of me. The bathtub is huge, enough to fit five people comfortably. Though we really only need room for three.

I peek through my eyelid, noting that Ryō seems to be in the same state as me. His eyes are buttoned closed, and his shoulders are obviously stiff. The bath was a good idea.

"Where's Akira?" I hum aloud.

"Right here," my third half's voice resounds. I turn my head, actually opening my eyes this time.

He smiles, setting a tray of drinks down on a nearby table. Akira's clothes soon join mine and Ryō's on the floor, and he slips in on my other side. Probably a good idea, as they thoroughly enjoy bickering when they get the chance, and I rarely let them escalate when I'm in the middle of it.

Akira hands me a drink, and one to Ryō, grabbing one for himself.

"Some special holiday eggnog for the special loves in my life," he smiles softly, adoration in his gaze.

"How mushy," Ryō comments; it's written across his face that he enjoys the sentiment, though.

I smile back at Akira, taking a sip. Aromatic spices quickly soothe any tension in me, the delicate cinnamon smell from the bubble bath almost complementing the flavour of eggnog and the slightest burn of alcohol in the back of my throat.

It's been three years since we've moved in together, six years since we started dating, our relationship blossoming and growing as we tend to it. They're the light of my world, and the reason for my smile.

"It's delicious," I note, taking another sip.

Akira smiles, and Ryō mutters something akin to an agreement. Green eyes train on mine, and Akira leans in for a gentle kiss.

Of course, not to be outdone, Ryō plants a chaste kiss to my lips directly after, and then the two share a couple almost-competitive kisses.

"Love you both," I mumble, taking another sip of eggnog.

"I love you both," Akira takes my hand in his free hand, and Ryō follows suit.

"You're both alright," the mutter is begrudgingly teasing as always. "Love you too."

"If you love me, let me give you a bubble beard," Ryō deadpans at my suggestion.



"... No."

"Pleaaaaasseeeee Ryō...? I'll make those meringue cookies you like."

"You should have started with that, hell yeah. Bubble beard time."

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