Kurokiba Ryō x Trans!Male!Reader

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"Excuse me," a voice cuts in. "What are you doing?"

The male holding me by the collar freezes. I can already feel my lip swelling from where he struck me. I can't bear to see who's behind me.

"None of your--" he bites back, until a footstep stops him.

"None of my what?" The voice gets lower, and I can feel his grip loosen. "None of my business that you're beating up someone in the bathroom? How pathetic. Get out of my face."

I hear a cracking sound, presumably the knuckles of the man behind me. The grip on my collar leaves, and I watch him scrabble to escape.

Who could have possibly scared him this bad? I turn around, holding my face where I'd been hit.

Kurokiba Ryō. He was very famous around the school for many things. I'd seen him compete at the Fall Selections. I bow in thanks.

"Thank you very much for helping me."

"Eh, whatever. How a coward like him got into Totsuki, I have no idea." He ruffles his hair. "You're in my Fifth period, right? I recognize you."

I nod and introduce myself. He knows I exist, I note to myself.

"You probably know who I am already," he leans against the wall, and I agree with him. "Well, if that guy ever bothers you again, let me know. I'll straighten him out."

"Thank you," I mumble. Why did he offer that? I understand stepping in, but...

"I know not everyone is accepting, so I want to make sure I keep an eye out. It took guts to come out to your classes, and I respect that." Kurokiba eyes me up and down in a an aloof manner. "Your cooking is obviously not on the same level as mine, but I feel you have potential. Alice also wanted to learn about you, with your family ties, and this is a good way to introduce that."

I gape at his bluntness. And he's not fazed by who I am.

A knock at the door interrupts. A pale head pokes in. "You rang for me, Ryō?"

He sighs, and Nakiri Alice strides in. "Nice to meet you," she addresses me. "I hope we can be friends!"

I nod, eyes flitting between them.

What an interesting start to a friendship.

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