Tadokoro Megumi x Fem!Reader

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Her face is peaceful as we lay in the grass. The dappled, gold sunlight illuminates her gentle, smiling face. Her blue pigtails are splayed out, and her breath is gentle.

I'm startled out of my admiration as she moves her head to me. She rolls to her side, waking from her doze. Her golden yellow eyes open to meet mine. I can feel my face grow warmer as she catches me staring; warmer than I could blame on the soft sunlight.

Dew has remained on the ground, slowly seeping into us from the dawn we had witnessed. The tree above us reaches to the sky.

"This is my favourite time of day," I whisper to her.

"You hate mornings," Megumi smiles, her lips curling up softly. "It takes a promise of coffee to bring you out of bed."

"But I like being with you," I scoot closer and reach out a hand, caressing her face. "You're like a cup of coffee to me, my violet."

"How sapphic," her face turns pink. Her own hand meets mine, holding it to her face. "You always have the sweetest things to say."

"You're always the sweetest thing to me; I just say it how it is," I almost can't breathe with how beautiful she is. Her eyelids flutter closed. My hands move to her soft hair, admiring the beauty of the braids. She's wearing the hairpin I gave to her on our first date. It glistens, sparkling in the light.

"Thank you," Megumi expresses in her own soft way. "You always make me feel wanted. I'm safe with you."

The smell of the waking grass is a delicate perfume as we lay atop it beneath a crowned sky. It grows brighter by the moment, but right now, the dawn is our eternity.

"Of course, my aethra." She always likes my petnames.

"Aethra?" Her eyes peek back open.

"My brightness. My light. My splendor," I kiss her cheek. Her smile breaks my heart open. "My dawn."

I may not like mornings, but Tadokoro Megumi is the dawn of my life. And I love her.

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