All their face offs were disastrous. Adding to the list would be the next. He was now waiting to see her in person & have a word with her. He needed answers to many uncertain questions. The fact that a mere twenty two year old girl could be this vicious was too much to take in.

But nobody was born cruel. It was all about the people around them & the circumstances. Sonakshi couldn't be any exception. Every time he thought the extreme to which she could go was drawn to a closure, she had emerged out a zillion times stronger. She was powerful, in a dangerous way!

Apologizing for the mistakes wasn't his priority for now. He doubted if he repented his deeds in the same fervour anymore. If he was impulsive & stubborn, she was like his shadow. If he was a sinner, she was one too.

They were identical in all aspects & that was where the problem lied. Even limitless sorrys from his part would bring no change in her. Instead that would only sum up her arrogance & attitude. She had to be dealt differently. It was time to change his existing ways. Sonakshi had to be taught from the very base & then carved into a better woman.

Unloving her wasn't an option at this point but changing her definitely was. Aadyanth knew what exactly had to be done for that. He wasn't going to indirectly appreciate her flaws by going easy on her. She should dread of playing with the life of innocents around her in future. She had to be driven to a point where she would be forced dispel all the darkness from her heart. If Sonakshi thought she could rule others with her money & man power, she was going to be taught the opposite.

Though he was restricted from all the sides this time, the victory would be his. He was emotionally prepared to face all her tortures with a smile. There would be no better turn off for Sonakshi. She had to realize, all her efforts to overpower him had went down the drain. It was going to be an official defeat for her in this one as well.


"Aiira stoppp, Did you see Sona around?" Juhi rushed towards Aiira on spotting her outside their classroom.

Juhi & Sonakshi were not in talking terms from the time Sonakshi chased her away insolently. Though they were used to having arguments, it was Sonakshi who would reach out to her first & apologize. Juhi thought it would be the same this time as well. But nothing that sort happened.

Sonakshi seldom attended any classes & if she did she would hardly concentrate. She was either engrossed in her thoughts or glued to her mobile phone seriously. She looked distressed sometimes & pleasant some other times. Juhi could easily deduce, Sonakshi was hiding a lot of things from her. The growing distance between them contributed a lot to it.

She couldn't believe, they hadn't talked with each other for six days straight. Six days. Six fucking days!

Now that was the longest among all times they had given cold shoulder to each other. Usually their fights would last for a day or two. Then Sonakshi would grow bored of the awful silence between them. She used to pester Juhi until the latter would have no other way but to relent. Juhi's eyebrows turned into a slight frown at the thought.

"She has gone to washroom it seems" Aiira spoke unconcerned as she twirled the end of her pencil skirt.

"I will go check on her then" Juhi excused herself as she couldn't stand the mean looks Aiira was passing on her. Both her best friends were hard to cope up with. One was downright rude wherein the other low-key hated her.

"Wait, did you guys fight again? I mean, it is obvious. You always do. But what is the matter this time?" Aiira mocked clearly pleased with the fact that both the soul friends had a fight & Sonakshi wasn't compromising like everytime. How she wanted both of them to cut all the ties with each other forever! That would call for a grand celebration from her part.

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