Chapter 1

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Y/n- your name
L/n- last name
M/n- middle name
H/c- hair color
A/n- Author's note

Quirk: Light. You can manipulate the light and form objects from it. This works in any kind of light. Sunlight, Moonlight, or even a lamp. You can also use it to form wings to fly.

Y/n's pov:

It's been a long day so you decide to relax with a book at the park. You pack up and close the coffee shop where you work and head to your favorite park. It was only 4pm so it wasn't dark out yet. You go to your favorite tree and sit under it, pulling out your book from your bag.

After reading for a while you started to feel tired. You had a very stressful day at the coffee shop. You had been short staffed and one of the coffee machines were broken. But you felt better after reading your favorite book at your favorite park under your favorite tree.

You pull out your sketch book and a pencil from your bag and examine the park around you. You were saving money to open up an art store. You love art and are very good at drawing.

You see a man sitting under the tree across from you. He wasn't an ordinary man. He had purple scars on the lower part of his face going down to his chest. I looks like he has them on his arms but it's hard to tell since he's wearing a jacket. He didn't look bad tho. In all honesty, he was hot. You open your sketch book to a new page and begin drawing him.

After you finished you signed your name at the bottom and tore the page out of your sketch book and carefully folded it up. You put your sketch book and pencil back into your bag.

You look back over at the scarred man and notice he looks kinda sick. You decide to see if he's ok so you stand up and make your way towards him. "E-excuse me.. Sir? Are you alright?" You ask, crouching down next to him.

He mutters and opens his eyes. He looks at you for a moment. "Huh?" He says confused. "S-sorry to bother you! You look sick so I wanted to make sure you're ok before I left." You always had a big and caring heart when it came to others. Yourself? No. You hated yourself. But you never let it show. You have a lot of insecurities but you've gotten very good at hiding them from others.

The scarred man weakly smiles. "I'm fine. Thank you for the concern." He says as he stands up. "A-are you sure? I can help you if you need something to eat or something." You said as you stood back up and straightened your skirt. "Hm.. I could use some food I guess.. If it's not to much trouble for you." "It's no trouble at all! Come home with me, I'll get you something." You tucked your h/c hair behind your ear and smiled. "Are you sure? I mean we just met are you sure you wanna bring a stranger into your home?" He said with a confused look.

"Well my name is y/n. It's nice to meet you sir" you say with a soft smile. He smiles back and says " My name is Dabi". "See? Not strangers anymore, let's go". He chuckles and straightens his jacket. "Alright then"

The two of you make your way to y/n's house. On the way you talked about your hobbies and things like that.

"Hey Dabi?" You ask. "Hm?". "If you don't mind me asking.. What are you scars from?" He puts his head down. "My quirk. That's all I'm going to say." You see he looks sad and hug him. "I-I'm sorry it's not my business! I was just curious..". "It's alright y/n. I just prefer to not talk about it."

"W-well we're here" you unlock the door and go inside. He follows you and looks around. "Sorry for the mess I wasn't planning on having anyone over". "It's fine. I appreciate you letting me into your home. It's nice here." He says with a soft smile as he sits on the couch. "Make yourself at home." You pull somethings out from the fridge and start cooking. He relaxes into the couch. "Hey uhm do you have any allergies? I don't wanna accidently kill you or anything" "No I don't" he answers with a chuckle.

-skip to after they eat-

"Hey Dabi, can I have your number? I wanna hang out with you more, it's fun" he smirks a bit "sure princess" he says and grabs his phone, handing it to you for you to put your number in it. "Princess?" You think to yourself and blush. You shake it off and put your number in his phone. "So where do you live?" You ask with a smile. He stays silent and looks away. "Do you.. Not.. Have a.. Home..?" He shakes his head after hesitating for a moment. You both sit there in silence for what felt like forever but in reality it was just a few minutes. You finally speak, "would you.. Like to live with me..?" He looks up at you. "Really? But you just met me and-" you cut him off. "I'm sure. You don't deserve to be homeless and it's lonely here by myself, it would be nice to have some company.

"Ok then. I'll stay" he smiles and relaxes back into the couch. "Well I'm going to go take a shower. I should have some clothes that'll fit you if you wanna take one after me" He looks over at you. "Sure".


A/n: I hope y'all like it😅 I'll try and get the next chapter out soon.

Word count: 993

Damn that's a lot-

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