Chapter 11 - Tell Me Something

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After a few days of back to back working at the cafe and practice with the band, Margot and I decided to spend the evening watching movies and stuffing ourselves with chocolate chip cookies.

Margot and I were both vegan, and neither of us were very good at baking, so they pretty much just tasted like warm, gooey cookie dough. But I wasn't complaining.

We were halfway through Moulin Rouge! and I had just shoved either my fifth or tenth (there was no way of knowing) cookie in my mouth, when my phone vibrated against my thigh.

I picked it up and hid a smile around the chocolatey dough when Harry's contact popped up on my screen.

H: Coming to practice tomorrow, yeah? Need my angel fix, baby. I'll be dreamin of those pretty lips.


I gulped down the remainder of my cookie and bit my lip as I mindlessly stared back at the TV screen. My stomach filled with a sea of butterflies, heart thudding nearly imperceptibly faster. My eyes took in the words for a beat longer before typing back a response.

S: Yeah? I'll see you tomorrow, pretty. Wish you weren't just dreaming.

I didn't feel the need to sign my name, considering he had my contact. I was convinced he just liked calling himself pretty.

H: Come over?

My heart stuttered against my ribs. There was a part of me that worried I was just convenient for him. Always happened to be in the right place at the right time. But his question drowned those fears, at least somewhat.

S: Can't. I'm with Margot.

H: Aren't you always? Please?

S: I'll see you tomorrow, pretty.

H: Fine. Guess I'll wrap my hand where your mouth should be.

I covered my slight groan with a cough, praying Margot wouldn't notice my sudden change of behavior. His words sent waves of desire throughout my body, and I shifted on the couch so that my legs were crossed, involuntarily clenching my thighs for relief. I typed back a quick response, needing to pull myself together.

S: Oh my god, Harry, go to sleep.

H: See you in my dreams, angel.

I locked my screen and rolled my lips between my teeth to hide my smile. The effect he had on me was absolutely ridiculous, and I needed to compose myself. There was no way I was anything more than a good fuck to him. I couldn't even be angry about it. I just needed to remind myself of that before I allowed myself to get lost in his sugared words.

My mind was far too distracted to focus on the movie, and Margot seemed to notice. She leaned forward and grabbed the remote from the coffee table in front of us and paused the movie.

They were just about to begin singing "Come What May," and she knew me well enough to know I would never not sing along, so it wasn't difficult for her to realize something was on my mind. "Was that Harry?" she asked, brows raised. There was a look of suspicion on her face, but her tone was light.

"Huh?" I asked, feigning some sort of innocence. "Oh, yeah, that was him. Just asking about my schedule." I never lied to her, so I wasn't sure why I was doing it now. But I got the feeling that she was going to tell me something I wouldn't want to hear. So this was my way of preventing that.

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