Chapter 40 - Baby, You're the End of June

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June, One Year and Five Months Ago

Harry's POV

This party fucking sucked.

I usually tended to avoid parties like this—ones where I was the most well-known person in the room. I didn't even mean that arrogantly. It was just a fact, and it usually meant that I couldn't just enjoy myself—get a little drunk, maybe a little high, and fuck a random person. It got complicated when there was the potential that people would tell the press about any and every person I interacted with.

I was only here because Jamie had invited me, and when I told Mitch and Sarah, they practically fucking dragged me here. Things with Marc had just been getting progressively worse, and I was just getting progressively worse anxiety. For some reason, they thought that a party would pull me out of my 'funk'. I didn't really have the heart to tell them that this would be a permanent funk with the way things were going.

Still, despite knowing I couldn't easily hook up with anyone here, that didn't stop me from looking for potential options.

People had been flirting with me all night, attempting to get me to go home with them, or go fuck them in some random room if only to say that they 'got to fuck the Harry Styles'. Needless to say, I turned down every one of them.

However, there was this one girl that I'd noticed, and I couldn't keep my fucking eyes off of her. As if we were some fucking animals, and her pheromones were drawing me towards her. I think she might've lived here, but I couldn't be sure.

She was hot as fuck, and I thought I'd overheard her say that she plays the bass when I had worked up the nerve to get within hearing distance of her, which was even hotter. She didn't even glance at me. Which was very unusual. Maybe that was what made me want her so badly.

I swear, from the moment I saw her, I've been trying to keep my hard cock from being too obvious through my pants.

For some reason, I hadn't worked up the nerve to talk to her yet. Something about her made me nervous—even from a distance—but it was the good kind of nervous. The kind that made your stomach twist with greedy anticipation. Like listening to your favorite song with the roof of your car pulled down, just waiting for that perfect moment when the melodies come together and the instrumentation makes you feel as though you can't catch your breath.

I wasn't sure what it was about her that instantly drew me to her, but I had promised myself that I would at least speak to her before the end of the night. I at least owed that to myself. Maybe she could get me out of my 'funk'. At least for the night.

I had lost sight of her about thirty minutes ago within the crowd of dancing people—dancing being a generous word with the way half-naked bodies grinded and moved together. I'd seen her dancing with Jamie, of all fucking people, before I'd practically thrown a tantrum at the sight and came out to the balcony for a smoke. It pissed me off because I knew, without a doubt, that a night with me would be so much more fucking worth it than a night with Jamie.

I didn't have to fuck him to know that it'd be average at best. He was probably the type to get his partner off as soon as possible so that he could finish himself off and leave. Fucking selfish asshole.

If I had a night with her, I'd drag it out as long as fucking possible. Neither one of us would be sleeping until long after the sun rose the next morning.

I had just lit my second cigarette within the last thirty minutes, when the sliding glass door of the balcony made the distinct noise of someone walking outside to join me. I sighed inwardly, planning on smoking this cigarette as fast as physically possible before heading back inside. The last thing I wanted was to be trapped out here with some random fan who tried to convince me to let them give me head.

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