Chapter 32 - We Should Open Up

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TW: Anxiety and Mild Self-Harm

Styles' Girlfriend Takes a Ride as She Hops His Gate! It's Safe to Say that's Not the Only Thing She's Riding!

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

The Page Six headline stared back at me, searing the words into my brain. I was sure that if my phone could talk, it would have been laughing in my face.

Harry's loud laugh pulled me out of my thoughts, and I was quick to turn my head to him with a glare.

"Sorry, but what fucking part of this is funny?" I demanded, sounding exasperated.

Harry was still staring at his own phone screen, and wasn't even attempting to hide his amusement.

We had woken up less than five minutes ago when Jeff had called Harry to tell him about the article, and had told us to, "Be a bit less conspicuous next time."

As soon as Harry saw the photo of me with one leg on either side of his gate, paired with the very creative headline, he let out a loud laugh.

He looked up at me now and finally had the sense to look slightly guilty for laughing, but he was still smirking at me. "I mean, they're not wrong, though."

Harry's laugh was muffled as I stole the pillow from under his head and promptly hit him with it. He tore the pillow away from my grip, tossing it behind him on the bed, and pinned me to the bed as he rolled on top of me.

If he wasn't already covered in bruises, I would have hit him.

"Harry, it's not funny," I groaned, but actually almost began laughing when I thought of the way my Mother would probably have an aneurysm if she ever saw that article.

I looked up at Harry to give him a glare, and he connected our lips in a quick kiss, before saying, "No, you're right, I'm sorry, angel. It's not funny," he said, but his voice was full of amusement.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, you sound absolutely broken up about it."

He gave me another soft kiss. "No, I'm sorry, baby, it's not funny. Because the paparazzi fuckin' suck, and it's not fair that we can't ever do shit without someone having something to say about it. And you literally hopped my gate in the middle of the night just to make sure I was okay, which is very fuckin' cute, angel. You're like my own little criminal." He started giggling to himself, and I glared, thinking he was still laughing about the article, but when he started singing, "'Cause mama, I'm in love with a criminal," I couldn't even hold back my own small giggle.

I groaned with a small laugh. "Fuck off."

He smirked before nudging my jaw with his nose to force me to turn my head, and he pressed a kiss to the space just below my ear. His words were low when he spoke, and his breath puffing against my ear sent chills down my spine. "But it's just slightly funny," he whispered, "because you really did give me the ride of my fuckin' life last night."

I knew he was teasing, but I couldn't bring myself to find amusement in his words when all I could think about were his lips against my skin. "Of your life?" I asked. "I think we can top it."

He chuckled and sucked at the skin just above my collarbone. I buried my hands into his hair, pulling him up to me, and he immediately connected our lips in a deep kiss.

My mouth parted for him, and his tongue glided against mine at the same time his hips shifted against me, and I became painfully aware of the fact that we were both naked. The kiss wasn't necessarily one that was meant to lead anywhere, but our lack of clothes, and the friction of our heated skin already had me taking uneven breaths.

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