Chapter 25 - Always Stuck and Running

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I was currently standing at my bathroom sink, cleaning the sex toys Harry had used on me, as I stood on unsteady legs.

Truthfully, I was shocked I could even walk.

Well, 'walk' was a pretty big word for the unsteady waddle that I basically had to do to get anywhere. It took me a few tries to even manage that.

Harry was currently throwing my sheets in the laundry after very hesitantly leaving me in the bathroom. He was afraid of leaving me on my own for too long for fear of falling on my ass and cracking my head open or something. I told him he was being dramatic, but he disagreed, saying I was "Precious cargo," which only made me roll my eyes harder. And a part of me knew he just secretly loved that he had fucked me so well that I could hardly stand.

I just finished cleaning the toys, doing my attempted waddle-walk over to my nightstand and placed them back into my nightstand. I picked up my phone, glancing at the time for the first time, and saw that it was only 9am. It's certainly been an eventful morning.

Harry was still doing the laundry, so I sat on the bed, waiting for him before heading down to the kitchen for breakfast. I figured we were both probably starving.

Just as I sat on the bed, I heard that familiar buzzing sound from this morning. I automatically looked down, assuming it was my phone, but then realized I didn't feel the vibration, and the screen was dark.

That only left one other option, and with that option came the twisting of my gut, and the shaking of my hands as I was instantly filled with dread.

I turned towards the door as if Harry would be striding through it at that exact moment, but he didn't. The doorway was empty, and I heard no sounds coming down the hall.

The buzzing continued, and I stood in place with my heart thundering in my ears. I glanced down at the bed and found Harry's phone face down on the stripped mattress.

A large part of me wanted to run in the other direction as if his phone was personally out to get me. But the other, much more curious part of me, craved to see who was calling.

You know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat.

Considering I was no better than a fucking curious cat, I slowly walked around to the opposite side of the bed where his phone was sat.

My palms were beginning to sweat, which was probably a huge sign that I should not be looking at Harry's phone, but at this point, I didn't feel like I was even controlling my own decisions. My body was doing that for me.

I glanced towards the bedroom door again, but it was still empty.

The phone was still buzzing, so I made a quick decision without second guessing too much. I picked the phone up, facing the screen towards me, and looked at the contact.

It was an unknown number, which filled me with even more anxiety than if it had been a saved contact. Because the possibility of this being the same person who had called last night was much higher now.

I could hear nothing over my pounding heart and rushing blood in my ears. My finger hovered over the answer button before my mind could tell it to stop. Every ounce of me was screaming at me to either answer it, or drop it and get the fuck away from it as quickly as possible.

I knew that if I answered it, I would at least get some answers once and for all. But, I also knew that this was most definitely not the way I wanted to get those answers.

However, my body still didn't seem to care that this was a really fucking bad idea.

Just as I went to press the answer button, however, the buzzing stopped as the call ended, and a voice said, "Stevie? What are you doing?"

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