Anna Marie and I didn't even hesitate. We both bolted towards the exit, running at full speed, never once glancing behind us to see who was there.

I heard pounding footsteps chase after us and I ran even faster. Shit. Shit. Shit. I had no idea who was after us, but I did know I did not want to be caught. I was already in hot water with my family. I would be in a pool of lava if I got caught sneaking into this warehouse.

"Stop!" the voice yelled from behind us, growing louder and the footsteps increased. "STOP!
Anna Marie and I ran through the hole in the wall, to the hole in the fence, got on the ground and started to crawl through. In mid-crawl, Anna Marie came to an abrupt halt and cursed. Her shirt was caught on the fence.

My anxiety peaked when I heard the footsteps behind us, gaining on us. I reached out, unhooked her shirt from the fence, gave her a hard shove, and started crawling through as well.

A hand suddenly latched around my ankle in a vice like grip and yanked me back. I screeched as I was being dragged back.

Anna Marie twirled around and grabbed my hands, trying to yank me through the hole and I was caught in the middle of a tug-of-war battle. I cried out as my arms and legs were being stretched to the limit, causing my bones and muscles to cry out as I felt my shoulders being pulled to the point of dislocation.

"Let go of her!" I heard Anna Marie scream.

I did the only thing I could think of; I kicked out with my other ankle as hard as I could and connected with something.

I heard whoever it was that had my ankle let out a cry of surprise and their grip loosened. I yanked my ankle out of their grip and Anna Marie pulled me all the way out.

She yanked me to my feet and we ran to the car. I threw open the passenger door and slammed the car shut as she got in the driver's side. With trembling fingers, she struggled to put the key into the ignition and start it.

I looked over and was horrified to see an older, ragged, homeless looking man crawling through the hole after us, his face contorted with rage.

"Hurry up!" I screamed as panic ate away at me.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally got the keys in and floored it. We took off with a screech of tires before the man could get to the cars.

She didn't slow the car down until we were a couple of blocks away. The whole time, Johnny was cursing us from hell and back.

"That had to be the stupidest shit I've ever seen you do," Johnny growled. "What the hell were you thinking?"

I was too busy trying to catch my breath to answer. I didn't disagree with him or was angry that he was cursing at me. That had been the stupidest thing I'd ever done and I should have never done it. Just because Anna Marie had gone in there didn't mean I should have, and I should have used common sense.

I winced as I felt pain shoot through my legs and arms. Anna Marie and whoever that guy was had been pulling with all their might and I was paying for it. I was definitely going to be sore for a long time.

We drove for a few more minutes before the adrenaline died down, and I was starting to feel pissed by what just happened.

"Anna Marie, why would you go into that building? What if that guy had had a knife? What if he had hurt us? What if that had been a cop and he'd arrested us?" I peppered the questions at her like a machine gun.

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