I sat in the car as I watched Anna Marie knock on the front door, her words echoing over and over in my head as I tried to process what she just told me.

A werewolf? I was seriously going to meet a werewolf?

I was both nervous and excited. Excited, because I was about to meet a werewolf, a werewolf. I had dreamed of this day since I was nine years old and read books and watched TV shows about them.

But I was also nervous because I had no idea what to expect. Yes, I had read books that featured them and watched TV shows about them, but obviously, that was make believe, and I had no idea how they would be in real life.

All sorts of images played around in my head and I slowly got out of the car. My heart was beating wildly in anticipation and I approached the door, staring at the house wearily.

"Luna," Helen said as she and Johnny followed me. Helen kept darting her eyes around, as though she were expecting the werewolf to jump out from the shadows and attack at any moment, despite the fact that she was a ghost and the werewolf couldn't do anything to her. "I don't think this is a good idea. I think we need to go back to the house."

"Hel, relax," Johnny said as he put an arm around her shoulders. "You haven't even met the werewolf yet."

"Yeah," Anna Marie said, glancing over at Helen's worried face. "Savannah's the best. You'll like her."
A second later, the door opened. A petite, slim girl who looked to be around seventeen or eighteen stood in the doorway. She had blue gray eyes, long, curly, dark brown hair with bangs that swept over her forehead, bright red lipstick painted on her lips, purple eyeshadow covering her eyelids. She looked like a runaway model that just stepped off of a magazine, except for the part where she was wearing gray sweats and a dark blue hoodie with a Batman symbol on it.

"Hey, Vannah," Anna Marie greeted the girl brightly. Savannah's face was filled with surprise as she gazed at us, but she stepped back to let us in. "It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too," Savannah said, gazing at me suspiciously as she shut the door to her cozy little house. "But why are you coming by so late? And who's your friend?"

"This is Luna. She's a sorceress, and she's going to be going to Starlight Academy for the new semester. Luna, this is Savannah. We met when I first moved here and she's been going to Starlight Academy for a year now."

"It's good to meet you Luna," Savannah said and smiled at me. I thought I heard a hint of an accent in her voice. French, maybe? "I'm sorry, this isn't a good time. I--"

Before she could finish, the biggest wolf I'd ever seen lumbered into the room, his/her coat a bright yellow, dark brown eyes staring at me with such intensity it reminded me of a human's.

I instinctively backed away, staring at the wolf wearily, and bumped into the door.

"Ken!" Savannah snapped and glared at the wolf disapprovingly. "Shift back into your human form right now!"

The wolf--Ken--rolled his eyes. I watched in awe as a bright silver mist

came out of nowhere and circled Ken. My eyes widened as I watched, through the mist, I saw the silhouette of the wolf morph into a man's figure. In a matter of seconds, the silver mist disappeared.

Standing where the wolf had stood just moments before, a tall guy who looked to be around nineteen stood there, shirtless. He had shaggy, sandy blonde hair, hazel eyes, and hard, six pack abs I had to tear my eyes away from and felt my face grow warm. I quickly turned away from the others and tried to pretend to be interested in the movies the bookshelf beside me had.

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