The next week went by pretty fast. Dad was recovering and seemed to be doing a lot better, the spirit hadn't returned, I was raising my grades in school, and I was getting closer with Anna Marie.

I felt myself begin to relax a little. Mom, Dad, and Grandma Marie were getting along, I was making a new friend, I had Helen and Johnny with me, and my grades were improving. However, I did not let my guard down completely. I was still on the lookout for the woman though. I was not about to let what had happened ever occur again, not over my dead body.

Grandma Marie and I had to put our lessons on halt due to taking care of Dad and we didn't want to chance him catching us doing magic while he was there. This was definitely not the time to tell him or let him see. We still needed to wait on that.

I hadn't had another occurrence like when all the stuff began hovering in my room, which was good. I hadn't felt anything like that sense that night and prayed it wouldn't happen again, at least around Dad.

I felt happy whenever I saw everyone sitting in the same room as each other, talking, laughing, acting like a family. I tried not to let it happen, but I did feel hope start to grow inside of me as I thought about us all being a family again, that Mom and Dad would end up back together. Of course, it was just a pipe dream. At least they were getting along, which was great progress. We might not be a family again, but we could at least get along.

This week, things were going good and peaceful, except for one thing.

Madison was being such a bitch to Anna Marie whenever we sat together at school. She would totally ignore Anna Marie or whenever she did, she would be rude and cold, and it was pissing me off. Anna Marie kept saying it didn't bother her, but it was seriously making me angry that Madison kept treating my other friend like this.

After lunch, when it was time to get to class, I finally had enough when Madison was once again rude to Anna Marie.

"Madison can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her. Anna Marie paused by the table. I shot her a smile and said, "I'll be there in a minute."

She nodded and walked off, glancing at us over her shoulder until she walked out of the cafeteria.

I turned to Madison and lasered my gaze at her.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" she asked, completely oblivious.

"Why are you acting like such a bitch to Anna Marie? Ever since she got here, you've been rude, and it's pissing me off."

She scowled. "She's weird."

"How? You haven't even talked to her."
"She gives off these weird vibes. She reminds me of the other girls who stabbed me in the back. And I've seen her do stuff when you're not around, heard her say stuff."
"Like what?"

"I've heard her talk shit about all of her supposed friends she had from wherever she came from, and I've seen her talking crazy to some girl outside of school. She works at this store at the town square, and when I was shopping over there, I saw her outside of the store, yelling and screaming at this girl, bullying her. She saw me and stopped and went inside. Luna, I'm telling you, I'm pretty sure she's a bully. She had this other girl in tears.

"I've also seen her talking to herself. She writes this stuff all over her arms, she writes in this book--Luna, I swear, something isn't right about her. I've seen girls like her--not that crazy--but pretend to be nice and pretend to be your friend, but they will turn around and stab you in the back.

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