I snapped open my eyes and gasped, the events I just saw running around in my mind over and over, my heart beating wildly in my chest, sweat coating my skin, causing my hair to stick to my forehead.

Mom's face was hovering closely over mine, her eyes wide with fear and concern, her forehead crinkled in concern as she peered down at me.

"Mom?" I croaked, my throat dry and scratchy.

She ran her hand over my hair gently. "It's okay, baby. I'm right here."

My eyes widened as I remembered what I saw before I saw Ed. The entity was a woman named Lilith, she had tortured a man and her sister Emily, and she had been killed by a man named Caius.

"Mom," I said. "That woman, her name is Lilith."

"What woman?"

"The ghost who attacked Dad."

Her eyes widened even more to the point I thought they were going to pop out of her head. She took my hands and carefully helped me up into a sitting position. I looked around and saw that I was in the living room. I looked over at the kitchen but it was empty. Dad, Shaun, Dylan, and Grandma Marie were nowhere in sight.

"Where is everyone?"

"Grandma called Beth over to help with a memory spell. Beth is going to erase what Dylan and Shaun saw."

My heart dropped. "Just what Dylan and Shaun saw?"

"Your dad knows now, honey. We were going to tell him at some point."

I groaned and rubbed my hands over my face. This was so not the way I'd wanted to break the news to him. "How did he take it?"

"Right now, he's just really, really scared. Your eyes were this bright white, your body was trembling, and you were talking to yourself. You were going through another phase of your awakening."

"I had a vision." I winced at the dry pull of my throat. It felt like the Sahara desert. "Can I have some water?"
She nodded. She helped me to the couch and rushed into the kitchen to get me a glass of water. She came back with a class completely full. I took it gratefully and nearly gulped down the whole glass in almost three seconds.

I took a deep breath and said, "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

"Are you all okay? I didn't hurt you or anyone else?"

"No, we're all fine."

"So Dylan and Shaun saw everything?"

"They saw your eyes begin to glow white and they freaked out, so Grandma hit them over the head with one of the frying pans."
I gasped. "She didn't hit them hard, did she?"

She shook her head, a smile twitching her lips. "No. It was just hard enough to knock them out. Beth is performing a memory spell now and when they wake up, they won't remember anything they saw. They'll remember the dinner and talking to us, but they won't remember seeing you like that. Dad is with them now, but he'll be back to check on you in just a few seconds."

I looked around the room again, expecting to see Helen and Johnny standing nearby, but they were nowhere to be found.

"Where's Johnny and Helen?" I asked her, worried, my stomach starting to clench with nerves as I imagined Lilith somehow able to get her hands on them.

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