"Grace!" Mom called up to me. "Dylan and Shaun are here!"

"I'll be right down," I called back, never taking my eyes off of the pages of the book.

I kept watching the page, waiting for any writing to appear to give me any sort of advice on how to deal with this whole situation. I waited for about a minute, waiting for any more words to appear, but they never did.

I growled in frustration and slammed the book shut. What good were guardian angels if they didn't even give you solid advice on how to deal with all the crazy, dangerous shit that's happening in your life?
I had to put this in the back of my mind for now. I had to go downstairs and pretend that everything was alright. I couldn't let Dad and especially Dylan or Shaun know what was happening.

I quickly slipped on a fresh pair of jeans, t-shirt, brushed my hair and tied it back into a ponytail and met Johnny and Helen outside.

"Everything okay?" Helen asked when she read the look on my face.

"Ed said the entity was here," I told them in a low voice. "I'm pretty sure he means that ghost that attacked us and gave Dad a heart attack."

"Did he say anything else?"

"No, nothing."

"We'll keep an eye out for her," Johnny said and placed his hand on my shoulder. The touch was just a spot of cold air on my skin, but it was still comforting, especially since Johnny wasn't normally the most comforting person to be around.

"We'll be looking around the house," Helen said. "We'll make sure she doesn't come around."
"Thanks, guys," I said and smiled at them. "I really appreciate it."
They followed me downstairs then took off to other rooms in the house.

Dylan and Shaun were sitting on the couch beside Dad while Mom and Grandma Marie sat in the two recliner chairs across from them. They were all talking and laughing with each other. I relaxed when I saw Mom engaged in a conversation with Shaun. I was worried all of this would be too weird and complicated for her, but it looked like everything was going just fine.

"Hey!" I said brightly as I walked into the room.

Dylan leapt up and immediately grabbed my head to give me a noogie, but I quickly slipped out his grasp and pushed him out of the way, laughing, so used to the move by now I was used to it.

"Bro," I laughed. "Why do you keep doing that?"
"'Cause it's funny," he said, laughing as well.

I turned to Shaun as he stood up and gave him a hug. "How are you doing?"
"Good. Busy, but good." He patted my back before releasing me. "I was talking to your mom about nursing school. I told her I was interested in being a doctor and she was telling me about the internship her hospital was having."

"I didn't know you wanted to be a doctor. I thought you wanted to be an engineer."

"I did too, but I decided I wanted to try to be in health science. I've been taking a couple of classes in health science and I think I want to give it a shot."

"Good for you then. Hey, Mom, aren't you actually helping with the internship?"

She nodded and straightened. "Yes, for the new students that applied. Next month I'm supposed to be helping out with that. Shaun, you'd just need to speak with your school counselors about it."

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