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My eyes finally opened after days of trying, but closed quickly at the light. All the soreness in my body came rushing back to me at once and I groaned in pain. I heard someone gasp and hurried footsteps followed by the door opening.

"She's awake!" Izzy's voice yelled down the halls in excitement. "It's Ali! She's waking up!"

Her footsteps echoed as she quickly ran back to the side of my bed, and a moment later, more footsteps were heard across the floor.

"Ali?" Izzy asked. "Ali, can you hear me?"

I felt someone take my hand in theirs as I tried to talk, but my mouth was so dry that I couldn't. Everyone's gazes were on me, I could feel it. The only thing I could do was squeeze the hand holding mine.

"Ali..." Jace trailed off and I realized it was his hand I was holding. "Come on, love."

Slowly, I opened my eyes again and they eventually adjusted to the light. My suspicions had been correct, they were all watching me. I knew they were waiting for me to speak, so I somehow managed to mutter water under my breath.

"What?" Izzy asked.

Instead of repeating myself, I managed to raise my hand and point to a pitcher of water sitting on the counter not far away. Izzy quickly ran over and poured me a glass before handing it over. I gulped the cold water down, feeling much better with each sip. Once the glass was finished, I handed it back to Izzy who put it on the table beside my bed.

"I feel like I've been hit by a bus." I said, my voice hoarse and scratchy from not being used.

"Well, you were hit by a bookcase that was almost as tall as a bus." Alec laughed a bit and I did too. "But in all seriousness, I was so worried about you. Never do that to us again."

"I wish I could promise you, but we both know I'm prone to injury and near death situations." I said half serious.

"Why is it always you?" Izzy asked.

"I've asked myself the same question for years now." I answered.

"I'm just so glad you're okay." Izzy said as she pulled me in for a hug. "I wouldn't be able to survive these two without you."

Jace and Alec both scoffed and rolled their eyes while Izzy and I laughed. She shrugged admitting it was partly true causing Alec to slap her shoulder.

"Yeah, we're all happy you're okay." Jace said quietly as he smiled at me.

"You really should rest, though." Izzy said. "You, too, Alec."

"Now that I've seen that Ali's okay, I think I will." Alec said. "I'll see you all later."

With that said, he turned and made his way out of the room. Izzy followed saying she needed to make sure he got to his room alright, leaving Jace and me alone. Neither of us said anything as I made myself more comfortable and I felt a bit awkward. I laid on my back and glanced at him to see he was just sitting in his chair staring at his hands.

"Jace?" I asked and he looked up at me. "Could you maybe lay with me? I don't know if I'll be able to fall asleep."

He stared into my eyes for a few moments before nodding. I struggled to move over in the bed as he walked over. Jace's arms picked me up to help and moved me over to make room for him. As soon as he laid down, I turned and curled up into his chest. Hesitantly, he moved his arms to wrap around me and hold me close to him. I didn't know where we stood or how we would turn out in the end. But I did know we needed to talk.

"Hey, Jace?" I asked, and he made a small noise to show he heard. "Why are you pushing me away?"

My eyes kept their stare on my hand resting on his chest as I waiting anxiously for his answer. There was silence at first, and I thought he wasn't going to answer. Tears started to fill my eyes as much as I tried to make them stop. But no matter how hard I fought them, they filled my eyes, waiting for a chance to fall.

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