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"I am not wearing that." Clary said as Izzy held out a very short lacey dress to her.

"Why not?" Izzy asked.

"Just at least go try it on." I said as I pushed her into Izzy's bathroom.

"She's not just trying it on, is she?" Izzy asked.

"Nope, we won't have time for her to change." I said. "So what do you have for me to wear?"

She handed me very tight black leather pants with a low cut black tank top. I changed into it and finished just as Clary was coming out.

"This is a top." Clary stated.

"It's a dress." Izzy said defensively.

"I can't pull it off." She stated as she pulled at it.

"Actually, with the right shoes-"

"No, I mean it's like a second skin!" Clary exclaimed

I threw on my leather jacket and put my backpack on my shoulders. I started to tie my black vans, but was interrupted by Izzy.

"No, you are not wearing vans." Izzy said while handing me heels.

"I'm going to trip and die." I stated looking at the six inch pumps.

"No, you aren't." She said as she pulled Clary's hair back into a ponytail and pinned it.

I sighed as I put on the pumps that were sure to be the cause of my death. But when Izzy wasn't looking, I slipped my vans into my backpack knowing my feet would start to hurt and I'd want to change.

"Time to go!" I heard Alec shout from down the hall.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

We walked out the door and I stumbled down the hallway trying to get use to the heels. By the time we reached the boys, I had found my balance. The boys were all wearing black, even Simon. But his clothes were slightly baggy and I could tell they were Jace's. They all looked over at us when we walked in.

"What is that?" Simon demanded when he saw Clary.

"It's a dress, Simon." Clary said while rolling her eyes.

"But it's so short!" He said.

"I like it." Jace said as he unhitched himself from the wall and lazily raked his eyes up and down her body.

A pang of jealously hit me and wished I was the one Jace was looking at. But I guess I was use to blending into the background. I mean, I have been hanging around Izzy for the past five years. I was never really the center of attention, and I haven't decided if that was good or bad. It's just what I do.

"It needs a little something, though." Izzy said.

"No, no more glitter!" Clary exclaimed.

"No, you need a dagger." Jace said as he handed on to her.

"I wouldn't even know how to use this." She said.

"You'll learn." I sighed. "It's in your blood."

"I have a thigh sheath you can borrow!" Izzy offered.

"Certainly not!" Simon yelled.

I let out a laugh before leading the way out of the Institute. The others followed as I walked alone in the front of the group. Alec was walking with Izzy and Simon, who still had plenty more questions that wanted answers. And Jace and Clary were bringing up the back. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I wasn't sure I wanted to. I took out one of my small throwing knives and began twirling it around my fingers as I walked. It gave me something to keep my mind occupied with.

I turned a corner and saw his door. I walked up to it and knocked as I pulled out my stele. From the sounds of the inside, I could tell a party was happening. And I didn't think they'd let us in without an invitation. So when the little window opened, I drew the right rune in the little hole and the man behind was hypnotized as I reached in and opened the door.

"Let's go." I said with a mischievous smile.

I stepped inside and we stood in the entrance looking around for Magnus. I then saw Jace walk up to Clary and whisper in her ear before pulling the pin out letting her hair loose. He fixed it for her as she flirted with him. I also saw Simon looking annoyed out of the corner of my eye. Looks like I wasn't the only one jealous at the moment. I was pulled from my thoughts though when I saw Magnus approaching us.

"I don't remember inviting any children of the Nephilim." He said.

"Maybe you were drunk when you were writing out invitations." I said.

"Must have been." He said while looking at me and I knew he knew we did not receive an invitation. "But I will let you stay, because of blue eyes."

Everyone turned to me as I looked at him in confusion.

"No, not the girl. The boy with the raven black hair." He said as he winked and everyone then turned to Alec as he froze and just stared back. "And because of Clary."

"How do you know who I am?" She questioned.

"Follow me and I'll explain everything." Was his answer as he turned and walked away.

Clary immediately followed with Jace trailing not far behind her. Izzy and Simon walked off in a different direction after I heard Izzy saying she wanted a drink. Alec started to follow Jace and Clary as I stayed where I stood.

"Please don't get into any trouble." Alec pleaded with me.

"I know it's hard to believe, but I really don't go looking for death. It's trying to hunt me down." I answered back.

"I know you don't go looking for it, but you still seem to get into near death situations and I'm just worried about you."

"I understand. But I am always trying to be careful. And most times, I only get hurt when trying to save others."

"Just try a little harder." Alec said with a small smile.

He then turned and followed where Magnus had led Jace and Clary. I wondered around, staying in the shadows while watching for Izzy and Simon. I finally spotted them over by a drink table. Izzy was drinking something that looked alcoholic while Simon was bring a glass up to his lips which was filled with something that didn't look right. I then saw the vampires smirking behind him.

"Simon, don't!" I yelled as I ran over and slapped the drink from his hand.

But it was too late. The vampires stepped forward and shoved us aside as Simon fell unconscious. They grabbed him and began making their way towards the door.

"Let him go!" I screamed as I ran up and began pounding them.

"Grab her." I heard one of them say.

I then felt arms wrap around my waist and I heard Izzy yelling for Jace and Alec. I saw them come running down a set of stairs and start shoving their way through the crowd of dancers. Suddenly, a cloth was shoved over my nose and mouth and I began to panic realizing they were drugging me. I fought against them, struggling to get free before the darkness took over. But I slipped unconscious thinking about how Alec had just told me to try harder to stay out of trouble.

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