The Best Friend

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Prologue: Five Years Earlier

It was close to midnight as I sat in my room quietly reading a book. My parents were still down stairs discussing something I wasn't allowed to listen in on. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't hear anything they were saying because they were talking in hushed voices. Believe me, I already tried. They sounded worried, and I didn't know why. I think they thought I was too young for whatever they were talking about, being that I was only twelve.

I turned the light off and closed my book thinking I should at least try to sleep tonight. But I had to get up again realizing I had left my window open. As I walked over, I suddenly heard the sound of a twig snapping outside. Our house was pretty deep into the woods, so I would've thought it was just an animal if hadn't seen three dark outlines of men running towards my house. I didn't have time to warn my parents. The only warning they had was when the front door burst open a few seconds later. Crashes and bangs followed as I ran to get my backpack from my closet. I threw some of my clothing, my books, and my stele into it before putting on my weapons belt and jacket.

I ran quietly down the backstairs with my seraph blade held out in front of me ready to use. My bow was slung around my shoulders with some arrows int the pocket of my backpack just in case. The shouts, clashes and bangs got louder as I came closer, but then they suddenly stopped. I kept my back against the wall as I heard three sets if footsteps running up the stairs.

"Get the girl!"

The three words was all the voices kept saying.

"Get the girl!"

I was suddenly aware and realized the girl was me. They were after me. I ran from my spot about to make a sprint for the front door when I passed the living room and inhaled a strong smell of blood. I looked, dreading to rest my eyes on what I would see. And what I had feared had in fact happened.

"Mom? Dad?" I choked out as the tears started coming.

They lay motionless on the ground, blood pooling around the both of them. I walked over to my mother who was closest to me and patted her cheek.

"No, you can't leave me!" I sobbed. "I need you! Where am I suppose to go?"

My mother's eyes fluttered half open and I stared down at her pleadingly.

"Go, Alison." My mother choked out. "Run as fast as your feet can carry you to the New York Institute. Don't trust anyone besides the Lightwoods and Hodge. Tell them we were found and tell them I asked them to take care of you and continue your training now that we're gone."

"Who are the Lightwoods? Whose Hodge?" I asked scared.

"All your questions will be answered in time. But go, now, before they get you."

She took her necklace off her neck, the one with the Penrose ring attached to it, and placed it in my hand before shoving me away. I ran to the door, but looked back and said I love you. She smiled as her eyes fluttered and said it back. And then she was gone. It took everything I had in me to not run back to both of them and hug them one last time. But I did what my mother wanted and ran out the door not looking back again. I heard shouts from the house and soon I was being chased. I heard arrows whistling past my head, and one hit home in my shoulder. I screamed out in pain before ripping it from my shoulder and loading my bow. I turned and shot at my closest attacked who fell instantly without a sound. I kept running as fast as my feet would carry me through the woods. I could tell they were losing distance, and when I turned back around they were gone. But I knew not to stop because I was sure they'd find me if I did.

I ran all the way to the New York Institute without stopping. My legs were numb and my chest was heaving from breathing so heavily. I touched my shoulder to feel blood was running down my back. I then wiped the sweat off my forehead and placed my hand on the door. It opened with my touch and I walked inside.

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