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The Inquisitor was quite possibly the most arrogant ass I've ever met in my entire life. After she sent most of the shadowhunters down to check for survivors, we told her everything we knew about the attack. Jace surprised all of us when he revealed Valentine's appearance at his cell, after which the Inquisitor began to assume Valentine had taken the sword to avoid Jace's trial. She even went on to say Jace was shamming when he collapsed on the grass obviously in a lot of pain. I immediately kneeled down next to him and tried to get him to focus on me and keep his eyes open. Magnus emerged out of no where and began to walk over when Alec called for him.

"Is he dead?" Magnus asked looking at Jace.

"No, he's absolutely not dead!" I said unamused.

"He looks dead. Have you checked? I could kick him if you want."

"That won't be necessary." I shook my head.

"Your medical skills are required." The Inquisitor piped up. "Jonathan needs to be well enough for his interrogation."

"After everything he's been through tonight, even with him being injured, all you can think about is the trial?" I asked, my voice showing my distaste of the women.

"Just because the sword is gone doesn't mean his interrogation won't proceed as planned. In the meantime, the boy must be under constant observation. He's clearly a flight risk."

"He didn't try to escape!" I yelled.

"Well, he no longer is in his cell, is he?"

"Are you serious? That completely unfair! You couldn't have expected him to stay down there surrounded by mangled dead bodies!"

"Unfair? You really think I believe you four came hear to answer a distress call? It's quite obvious you just wanted to free Jonathan from what you clearly consider unnecessary confinement. I hope you don't expect me to believe you won't try to free him if he stays at the Institute, because I know you will. You may fool the Lightwoods, Alison Penrose, but you do not fool me."

My face flushed scarlet as I glared daggers into her face. Magnus luckily cut in before I could run my mouth and get me into trouble.

"Look, it's not a problem, I can keep Jace at my place." Magnus said.

"Your warlock does realize that Jonathan is a witness of upmost importance to the Clave?" The Inquisitor spoke to Alec.

"He's not my warlock." Alec's cheeks flared red as he spoke.

"I've held prisoners for the Clave before. "You'll find that my record in that department is excellent and my contract is one of the best." Magnus answered for himself and the Inquisitor made a small noise seeming to be of amusement.

"It's settled then." She said. "Let me know when he's well enough to talk, warlock, because I have a lot of unanswered questions."

"Of course." Magnus said, but seemed to not really be listening. He walked over and crouched down next to me and Jace, his eyes focused on the latter. "Can he talk?"

Jace's eyes opened and looked up at Magnus questioningly as he spoke. "What are you doing here?"

Magnus smiled brightly as he answered. "Hey roommate."

Jace groaned as he put his head back on the ground and closed his eyes, making me laugh a little. After a few moments, Alec came over and helped Jace stand. Jace was very unbalanced, so I put one of Jace's arms around my shoulder while Alec put the other around his. Together, we helped Jace to the apartment with Magnus leading the way.

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