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I was standing in what looked to be the greenhouse. It must've been nighttime because it was very dark. But then the light from the midnight flowers lit up and I saw Jace and Clary kissing in the middle of the greenhouse. I went to turn and run, but then found my path blocked by vampires. I looked around and noticed I was no longer in the greenhouse, but inside what looked to be a dark ballroom. None of this was making sense. My vision then went black, everything gone. Then the vision of my parents lying dead in pools of blood appeared. I ran to them, sobbing and screaming for them. But nothing changed. They remained still as I continued screaming.

And then I was being shaken. I woke with a start and screamed again with tears flowing down my face. Arms were around me in less than a second, and I knew exactly who it was and how I was angry with him at the moment, but I couldn't deny the comfort he always gave me.

"It's okay, Ali. I'm here." Jace whispered soothingly into my ear. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." I sobbed.

"It's okay." He said as he pulled me into his lap.

I continued to cry into his chest for another few minutes before I finally calmed down. He held my face in front of his and used his thumbs to wipe away the remaining tears.

"Nothing is going to hurt you." Jace said. "I won't let anything hurt you."

And I knew he meant it. He had risked his life to save my own before. It was two years after I came to the Institute. We were fourteen and shouldn't have been out by ourselves just yet. But Jace had convinced me and we were battling a demon together. It had knocked my weapon out of my hand and was coming after me. I remember Jace had said before that anything could be used as a weapon, but in that moment, I was backed up against a brick wall and none of the bricks were loose. He jumped in between me and the demon and killed it. He had also taken all the blame when we had gone back to the institute. And there has been many more occasions that he has done the same thing.

"I'm sorry." I said. "For flipping out at you earlier. I've just been-"

"I know. I understand." Jace said. And I knew he did. He always understood.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's almost three." He said.

"Is everything alright?" Alec said as he burst through the door. "I heard a scream."

"I'm fine. Just the nightmares." I answered as I stood up and walked over to him.

He opened his arms to me and I gladly accepted his offer for a hug. He held me like an older brother would hold his younger sister. I needed the Lightwoods and Jace more than they'd ever need me. But I was thankful that they always kept me around.

"Clary has to go to the Silent City for the brothers to look into the block in her mind." Jace said. "Would you want to come with me?"

"Of course." I said.

We both got up and walked to the door to find Clary and go to the Silent City. She ended up being in the library with Hodge who was explaining everything to her about our world of shadowhunters, downworlders, and demons. I was surprised how well she was taking it all in.

"You ready to go see the Silent Brothers?" Jace asked Clary who had started to walk up the stairs.

"Yeah, let's hope they can unblock my mind." She answered.

We all headed outside and took a cab to the New York City Marble Cemetary where the entrance to the Silent City was located. We walked across the grass and towards the gates, and I heard Jace preparing Clary for what was inside. I heard him mention that everyone was afraid of the Silent Brothers because they easily creeped people out. But honestly, I wasn't very afraid of them. Sure, their looks were creepy and yeah, it was weird how they talked in your mind. But get over those two things and they aren't frightening. They have so much power and wisdom. I remember I was taken here to be looked at by the Silent Brothers after my parents were murdered.

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