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My eyes were barely able to stay open anymore. After Valentine had threatened me, I of course had let my mouth run which led to him beating me until I couldn't move. He had thrown me to the side of the room near the bookcases when he was finished and that's where I still was. I could feel the bruises forming all over and the blood running down my face. My eyes were becoming heavier with each moment and harder to keep open. I was afraid if my eyes closed, they wouldn't ever open again.

Just as I was about to give up hope, I heard the doors open and Jace walked in looked alerted. My eyes glanced around the room looking to see where Valentine was, but he was no where in sight. I wanted to yell out, to warn Jace of Valentine, but I couldn't find my voice. He walked over to where many spears and swords were sticking out of the ground. I recognized it immediately, knowing it was used to summon demons. And then suddenly Valentine appeared just as Jace was about to pull one loose.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Jace spun around quickly, a look of shock on his face. I could tell by his stance that Jace knew exactly who Valentine was and was ready to jump on any given moment. My eyes became too heavy for me too handle, as hard as I tried to keep them open to listen to what Valentine was telling Jace. To see what knew lies would be told. But it was no use. I was too weak, as much as I hate to admit.

The next time I came to, I heard what sounded to be bird squeaks and demon words. I had absolutely no idea what was going on, but apparently werewolves were in the institute along with the demons Valentine and sent off. My eyes quickly danced around the room when I remembered Jace had walked in a little while ago. He was standing over by the wall looking shocked and confused, which were two looks I hardly saw on him. He was Jace, always knew what the next move would be and what was coming. But now, he looked as though everything he had thought to be true had been proven wrong.

I wondered why he hadn't seen me. It's not like I was hidden very well. Sure, there was table a little ways in front of me but he could easily see a lump lying on the floor from where he was standing. But as I continued glancing around the room, I understood. Everything was a bit blurry, and the air seemed to ripple with every movement in the room, not to mention the familiar rune engraved on the floor.

An invisible wall.

I could see out, but no one could see in. Only Valentine, who had created the wall, knew exactly where I was. How I wished jace would for some reason happen to walk over and see the rune. He would know Valentine was hiding something and he could help free me. But I could tell Jace was not about to move anywhere. Which meant I had to free myself.

I slowly reached a hand down to my black boot to see if by any chance Valentine had forgotten to take my stele of me. The boot was empty, which meant no such luck. It was a struggle, trying to move about and think at the same time. Just thinking alone was hard for me because of the excruciating pain I was feeling. But I managed to sit up by the wall next to the tune on the floor. As I stared down, I tried thinking of ways to get the hell out. I bit my nail in concentration and that's when it came to me. My nails were quite long, and I never thought they'd be of much use until now.

I reached down and began scratching and scraping away the rune. The wood came away easily and the shape of the rune started to mess up. The wall itself was started to shake violently from my efforts as I worked fast as I could.

When I was almost finished, I heard commotion from the other side of the room and looked to see Clary talking with Jace and Valentine. I didn't bother paying any attention though, just continued with my work.

I continually stole glances at the three, though, making sure nothing was going more disastrous than it already had. By the time the wall was falling down, Valentine was forcing Clary's head towards the cup that was now back on the table out of the card and she was screaming.

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