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I sat at my desk just drawing with my pencil. I had seen some of Clary's drawings and knew mine couldn't even compare, but I still liked to draw. I had my headphones blasting music in my ears as I focused on the lyrics and not the sad thoughts running through my mind. The music was apparently so loud that I didn't even hear when my door creaked open and someone walked across the floor until they stood next to me. My left headphone was yanked out of my ear as I jumped and turned to see Jace standing next to where I sat.

"Can I help you?" I asked rather rudely.

"Clary and I were heading out to her house to investigate something and I was wondering if you wanted to come." He said.

Having to be with Jace after he just kissed me and a girl who was clearly also interested in Jace did not sound so inviting so I declined.

"I think I'll just stay here." I said before going to put my headphone back in.

"What?" he asked surprised. "You never pass up anything like this."

"Well there's a first time for everything." I said sharply.

He stood looking down at me for a few moments before turning and walking out the door closing it not so gently behind him. I put my headphone back in my ear and went back to my drawing.

I don't know how much later it was, but I started feeling hungry and decided to go get a snack from the kitchen. I walked down there without seeing or hearing anyone which I though was a bit strange. I walked into the kitchen to see Hodge sitting at the table with Hugo on his shoulder.

"Hey Hodge, where is everyone?" I asked.

"They all went with Clary to talk with Madame Dorothea." He answered and I froze. "What's wrong?"

"I have to go." I said quickly before rushing to the weapons room.

I quickly put my weapons belt on and filled it will blades before running up to my room to grab my shoes and leather jacket. I also picked up my stele and started to put on the runes I thought I would need, invisibility being one of them. I raced out the front doors with Hodge calling after me. I ran through the streets as fast as I could with only one person on my mind.


I wasn't really angry with him or Isabelle anymore and I had the worst feeling in my chest. And that vision of Alec laying motionless of the floor of Madame Dorothea's apartment was flashing in my mind. How had I been so stupid to not realize Alec would go with them? I wanted to slap myself in the head a million times but I knew it wouldn't help anybody. I was out of breath but I knew I couldn't stop. I had to get there in time. I had to save Alec. If he died I wouldn't even know what I would do.

I ran across the street almost getting hit multiple times but of course the mundanes didn't know. They couldn't see me. I ran until my legs were numb and my breathing rapid, but I still continued. I was starting to slow down when I finally reached Clary's street. I picked up the pace when I heard loud thumps coming from the building. I ran inside to see the door to the apartment looked shut. I slammed my full body weight on the door and it almost gave way. I backed up and charged at the door, slamming full force into it. The door gave way and I stumbled inside to see Alec charging at Madame Dorothea.

"Alec, no!" I shouted.

But it was too late. His arms wrapped around the demons neck trying to strangle it, but it's sharp tail thing came up from behind as I was running over and stabbed Alec in the back as I screamed. He fell to the ground as the demon turned on me. It charged and I barely had time to pull out a seraph blade. I was only able to slice it's arm before it pushed me through the doorway and into the opposite wall. My breath was coming in pants from exhaustion and fear for mostly Alec.

I pushed back at the demon, but that only seemed to aggravate it more. It grabbed me and threw me back through the doorway into another wall. I grunted in pain as I landed on a small table which gave way under me and send shards of wood and glass into my skin. I looked around to see the piano was now in front of the doorway blocking us in. I also saw Clary banging on the window and calling for Simon. I then turned my head to see Isabelle laying by a motionless Alec. Anger surged through me as I stood up and ran to the door. Shoving the piano and have the door aside, I saw Simon struggling with the demon. I grabbed his sweatshirt and roughly pulled him off before taking my biggest blade and driving it into the demon's chest. I screamed as I stabbed it over and over again until my blade sunk deep into the floor.

I was shaking as I noticed both boys were staring at Clary as she looked between the card in her hands and them. She ran and pulled both Jace and Simon into a hug as I let out so defeated sigh.

"Jace, the runes aren't working!" Isabelle yelled in obvious distress.

I ran into the room trying to push Jace out of my mind because Alec was clearly more important and needed my attention. He was still unmoving and looked to be dead. I choked back the tears and sobs that were threatening to escape.

" Alec please." I whispered as I held him. "I can't lose you too."

I could see Isabelle looking at us with tears in her eyes. She was losing her brother and hadn't lost anyone close to her before. But I knew she understood that this would also be a big loss for me if he died because I had already lost both my parents and he was like an older brother to me. And if he died now, I would never be able to make up with him and tell him I forgive him. And I know if he died without me telling him, I would never forgive myself.

"We have to get him back to the institute." I said weakly. "Jace!"

I knew I couldn't carry Alec, whether I had my full strength or not, and figured Jace probably could being that he was the strongest here anyways. He came through the doorway and saw Isabelle and I in tears. I saw it in his eyes that he had just realized the seriousness of the situation. He ran over and quickly but gently put Alec on his shoulders to take him back to the Institute.

We ran back as quick as possible as I silent prayed Alec would make it. When we got back, Clary and I went to get Hodge and call Magnus while Jace and Isabelle took Alec to the infirmary.

"Hodge?" I yelled frantically. "Hodge!"

"Do you have the cup?" he asked.

"Yes, but that doesn't matter. Alec is hurt and-"

"I saw you arriving. I've already sent for someone." Hodge said. "Now the cup."

Clary placed the card down on the table and reached into it. She pulled out the cup as Hodge watched and took it from her once it was in front of him. He started to walk towards the portal explaining now difficult his life was, with being restricted to the Institute, never to go outside.

"Hodge, what are you doing?" I asked nervously as he opened the portal.

He never answered because he was too busy looking at the portal where someone was emerging. I gasped as I recognized the man. It was Valentine.

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