ch 3; time to leave

Start from the beginning

The king reaches out the sky blue tunic Link wore at the last fight before he almost died and had to get carried away in the King's arms to the weird cage.
They were inside the cottage there the king took out the tunic and Linkly's other clothes from the wardrobe.
Linkly blinks asking when he is eyeing the tunic.
"It's yours... You wore it the last time you were awake years ago... It was a little damaged and dirty... But I fixed it for you..." the king smiles gently and hands over the tunic and the other clothes.
Linkly grabs them with fumbling hands and feels the soft fabric against his fingers.
"An-ks....."he tries saying since he wants to express his gratitude.
The king smiles.
"No problem son... I wish you luck out there"
"Eh?" Linkly looks asking at the old man. The dead king.
"Does he mean?..."
"Yes... He is dead and shouldn't be here in first place... He must walk into the light and leave his old earth-life." The Wolf tells him and sits down on his butt.
Linkly is looking sadly at the king while his heart beats a little faster.
The king sighs and looks sadly back at him.
"I deeply apologies for everything... But yes... I have to leave you from now on... Save your sister and you two will have each other... Rebuild Hyrule to its former glory" the king says after have'd seen his sad face.
The king looks at the Wolf.
"Take care of him for me? Okay?"
The Wolf nods.
"Thanks... "
Then the king seems disappearing slowly as he was fading and about to turn into air.
Linkly's heart beats faster and his eyes start tearing up.
Without knowing it, he holds his breath while the king turns into nothing.
He starts shaking when the king is almost gone and when he isn't there anymore, Linkly falls down onto his knees and press his clothes against his chest.  He exhales crying.
The tears start falling angrily, sadly and a bit lonely from his upset eyes.
He can't remember the king from his former life, but it seems his heart remembers  and starts aching painfully of the lost.
There are many remaining questions, but now it's too late.
The king is gone. Forever.
The Wolf stands up and walk over to Linkly there he starts stroking his coat against the crying hylian.
"Change clothes... Then I will let you ride on me and take us away from here..."
Linkly nods and sniffles while he wipes his eyes wet of tears who won't stop falling.

  Linkly sits silently on the wolf's back while they are walking through the wide field.
The only weapon Linkly has is the axe he found his first day after he woke up from his long sleep.
It's soon dusk.
"Do you remember anything?" The Wolf asks curiously and glances backward.
Linkly flinchs of the question and shakes his head.
"No...Nothing... Except those fangs..."
"Yeah... When I touched the diamond necklace, a picture of someone grinning a toothy smile appeared... I can't see who the person is... Only red and white color with those fangs pops up in my head..."
Link...You are the hero hyrule needs now, including me... Save us...
Linkly jolts.
"Did you heard?"
"Heard what?"
"That voice..."
The Wolf's ears starts wiggling as he tries hearing the voice Linkly mentioned.
"I can't hear anything...Except the wind and how it shakes the grass around us" the wolf tells him.
"Never mind that... Let's find somewhere to sleep and perhaps someone to asks some questions"
"Um" Linkly nods with a small smile.

They reach a stable when the dark falls and the night starts.
The Wolf looks against a big rock.
" You can wait here while I'm turning into hylian behind that rock"
Linkly raises an asking eyebrow.
"Since the people at the stable will get afraid of me if I'm walk closer the stable as wolf..."
"Okay" Linkly nods and starts getting off the wolf's back.
"Meh... I were hoping to see him naked again..." Linkly sighs without knowing his thoughts are leaking and reach the wolf's mind.
The Wolf snorts and dash quickly against the rock there he turns into hylian.
"What's his problems?!" Link sighs while he puts on the green tunic and the pointed hat. Then he puts on the grey trousers.
There is no point in putting on the sweater since they are suppose to fall asleep soon anyway.
Link gives Linkly a crocked smile when he walks back to him.
"I'm ready"
Linkly nods and glances at the other man's hand.
"I want to hold his hand-..."
Link rolls his eyes and start walking against the stable, when he suddenly stops.
Then he turns around with his hand outreached against Linkly.
"Are you coming?..."
Linkly gasps chuckling.
"Um" he nods smiling and takes fast steps forward and grabs Link's hand.
"Yey! I'm lucky"
Link exhales smiling and walks hand in hand against the stable there the receptionist looks doubtfully at them.
"And what do we have here?" The man asks with a raised eyebrow.
"My brother and I want a room over the night" Link tells the man.
The man glances asking at their hands they are holding into each other.
"The single beds are already taken..."
Linkly's heart starts racing while a small blush appears.
"Does that mean we must..."
Link shrugs.
"If we must share bed then that's no problem... Anything are better than sleeping outside"
The man nods slowly and look still suspicious.
"Okay...But just you know... Clean up any mess you are doing in the bed" he snorts and takes up a key from the desk he stands by.
"You have room number seven... "he informs them and hands over the key to Link.
"Thanks..." he says and start walking while he pulls Linkly with him against the room.
Linkly nods smiling against the man as he wanted to say 'thanks' too.

When they come into the room, Link places Linkly onto the bed.
"Stay here..."
"Eh?" Linkly tilts his head asking.
"Why should I stay? Where are you going?"
Link grins against him.
"I'm going to talk with the people around here... And since you can't talk  are there no point with dragging you along"
Linkly pouts.
Link smirks and shrugs.
"Maybe... But it's not my work to babysit you... Good night Linkly" he winks with his eye and waves good bye while he turns around to walk out from the room again.
Linkly jerks and holds his hands tightly on the bed sheet while he grits his teeth.
"How dare he to dump me like that!!!"

Linkly's last thought managed to reach Link and he snickers.
"Sorry" he mumbles without feeling any sorry about leaving Linkly behind.
He walks out to the big meeting room  and walks to the bar.
"One beer please" he begs while he shows one finger.
The bartender nods while he is cleaning a glass with a white cloth.
Then he fills a big glass with strong beer.
"Five rupee" he tells Link.
Link picks up the money the bartender wanted and places it on the desk.
The glass with beer places in front Link and the bartender takes the money.
Link grabs the glass and starts drinking.
" Do you know what happened the castle in hyrule? Princess Zelda and so on..." Link asks the bartender when he has almost finished the beer.
The bald bartender starts humming.
" My grandpa told me how a war between Hylians and Zoras started... I think he mentioned how the royals tricked the Zoras somehow...And that's why the Zoras got angry and started attacking the castle... Suddenly monsters appeared everywhere and started killing Zora as hylian... Then I think some Lizard appeared" the bartender hums thoughtfully.
"Dragon..." someone interrupt and sits down on the second bar stool next Link.
Link raises an eyebrow and looks asking at the young man with brown hair in a short ponytail.
"Do you know something about the war between Zoras and Hylians?" Link asks.
The man orders a beer and gets one while Link is finishing his first one.
Link shakes with his empty glass and smiles against the bartender.
"Yeah kind of..." the man next Link says while the bartender fills Link's glass with more beer.
The man with ponytail starts drinking his beer.
"About what?" Link asks while he takes up another five rupee and gives it to the bartender.
The man sighs loudly of pleasure and puts down the half empty glass on the desk.
Then he looks directly at Link.
" I know the first damn blood moon appeared that night... When blood got spilled by misunderstandings and hate... "
"Blood moon?"
The man exhales surprised.
"Oh? Haven't you either seen or heard about the blood moon?"
Link shakes his head.
The man raises his eyebrows shocked and starts drinking again.
"Lucky you then... When the blood moon appears you have to hide yourself...Since that is the night of living dead"
Link blinks surprised and start drinking his second beer.
Okay, perhaps he isn't that surprised since he has seen a lot things during his adventure with Midna.
A blood moon who makes things who should be dead, alive, should be the least abnormal in his life during his adventures....

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