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Ophelia's pov
"Your place is amazing." I whispered as I walked into the mansion. He took his coat off, his muscles flexing through his shirt. Suddenly a female came down, holding a baby.

"Hailey you can leave now, give Ophelia Nikolai." She said handed me the boy. His bright blue eyes were staring at me.

"Goodbye Mr.Blunt." She said and went somewhere. I looked at Nikolai, who's eyes were bulging at me.

"Niko." Erich whispered, but Niko's attention was on me.

Niko...what an adorable nickname.

"Niko..." Erich said again, and pointed Niko's side softly. He looked at Erich for a split second before looking at me again.

"He loves you." He whispered and I nodded. Niko started to giggle uncontrollably, and suddenly put his hand to his mouth, signaling he has to eat. I walked him to the kitchen, and sat him down at the highchair. Erich went off somewhere.

"What would you like Niko?" I asked and he pointed the pantry. I went into it and grabbed the first thing I saw.

"This?" I asked and he shook his head no.

"This?" I asked, and yet again he shook his head no. I picked up these foamy naturally flavored strawberry treats, and he started to bang his hands against the highchair. I laughed as I set it down near Niko.

I went to go look for a bowl, when a munching sound was heard from behind me. I turned around, seeing Niko throwing a crap ton of those treats into his mouth.

"Niko!" I exclaimed and he giggled, suddenly squeezing the treat in his hands, the crumbling pieces now on the nightstand. Erich came back, now wearing a black t-shirt with grey sweatpants and pieces of clothes in his hands.

"I figured the dress and heels are uncomfortable, so I brought you some of Cindy's clothes." He said and I smiled.

"That's so sweet, I'll go change and you look after Niko." I said and he nodded.

Erich's pov
She left, and I was with Niko..

all alone.

Seeing Ophelia laughing while seeing Niko shoving those gross puffy shit into his mouth triggered something in me.

It sent neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin into my blood stream.

For some reason, I couldn't see Cindy with Niko. I stood there for a few minutes while watching them, and I couldn't even try to think that Cindy was Ophelia, taking care of Niko.

All I could see was Ophelia.

Ophelia came back after a few short minutes, wearing Cindy's clothes. A brown cropped t-shirt and black sweatpants. She walked over to Niko, who had crumbs all over his mouth.

"Erich?" She asked, and I looked at her.


"When does Niko usually go to bed?"

"Around 8:30 pm."

"So that's in an hour." She said and grabbed Niko from the highchair. I followed them, and she held him in her lap, on the couch. I sat down next to them.

"Do you actually want to have a partnership with my father?" She asked while holding Niko to her body, making funny faces at him, his laughing overtaking the room.

"It's all Anthony's and Ivana's idea. I seriously don't give a fuck." I responded and she looked at me.

"So why do it?"

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