Chapter Fifteen - The Messenger

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"Go ahead" Tae breathed.

"It can't be you, Tae. I already know it works on you" I said quietly.

He looked thoughtful for a second, but then nodded.

JK took a step forward, "go on then" he said with a little wrinkle nosed smile.

I wasn't sure if this going to work, but we had to try. I knew I would be able to heal him, so I wasn't overly worried. The sky was lit up by the lightening, and a few rumbles of thunder went through our chests.

"Hold out your hand please" I breathed.

And when he did so, without a second more I let a bolt of lightening land right on his palm. It made everyone around me apart from myself jump back.

"Fucking hell!" JK shouted, shaking his hand, and staring at his smoking skin.

I didn't need to heal him, because I couldn't feel any source of pain from him when I flexed inside his mind.

Joon was looking at me, he had that look in his eyes again.

"Did you feel anything?" He asked JK.

"Apart from like I could go and run about thirty miles, no. It didn't hurt whatsoever" JK said, still looking at his palm.

I smiled, it worked. It was a load of my mind that none of my abilities would ever harm any of them.

"I've linked you all to me, just like Tae and I are. I know we are linked anyway because of the Pantheon, but now, no matter what my abilities do, you won't be harmed by them. You've let me inside your souls" I breathed out.

"Very clever, Erin" Joon praised.

I smiled.

We spent a few hours just really letting our abilities bond. Jimin and I played with the sky, fighting over control until he had to let go. JK and Jin were busy play fighting, while Joon watched and laughed. Hobi and Yoongi were talking, sat down near to Tae and I.

Tae took my hand in his, and drifted his index finger along my palm, leaving the trail of cool and tingling skin on me. I smiled and leant over, hiding my face into his neck.

He was so much broader than I was, so as he pulled me further into him, he relaxed back with his hands on the ground behind him. I could feel the golden and black swirling around us.

"Do you see that as well?" I asked quietly, seeing the flicks of the line around us when it hit the sun.

"Yeah" he replied, and he put his hand through the sunlight that had a golden beam through it.

I smiled, and then looked ahead of me to see Joon and Jin both looking at us, and smiling. Joon muttered something, and Jin replied.

I pushed over a vine from the ground, and it pushed up and wrapped around Joon's bare calf. He grinned at me, and tried to pull away from it until I tightened the grip and he began laughing.

Jin noticed the struggle and joined in on the laugh.

Tae drifted his lips against my temple.

A thought entered my head.

"Joonie, who's Iris?" I asked, leaning away from Tae.

Everyone glanced at Joon, as he cleared his throat.

"Iris is the Goddess of Rainbows and the messenger of the Olympian Gods" he replied.

"Messenger?" I pressed.

He nodded, "why do you ask?"

Jimin glanced away from me.

"I've heard her name a few times now, that's all" I muttered.

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