Chapter Five - Blood Lines

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Joon took a deep breath.

"I don't want to bombard you with it all, not just yet as I don't want to overwhelm you anymore than I have to. But we are all here for a reason, all eight of us. In over three hundred years, none of us have been this close to one another. Our blood lines are linked, and always have been since the beginning of man kind," Joon said giving me a few seconds break in processing what he was saying, "there are others that descend from the same Gods or Goddesses, but none will ever be as strong or linked the way we are"

I took a few seconds, this was so much to take in.

"Linked?" I asked.

"I'll answer that another time, alright?" Joon said quietly.

"I need to know more, Namjoon" I replied.

"And you will know it all, but not just yet. You aren't ready for that yet" Joon said, and I saw him glance across from him, near Jin, JK and Tae.

"Why do we have to hide?" I asked.

Joon took a large breath, "a council or hunters of some kind know about us. The blood line, and family trees. What we are... and what we protect, the soul reason onto why we are even descendants in the first place, and they want us all dead. They have been hunting us for nearly three hundred years. It was very calm before then, we could live in peace, and we did. All of our ancestors knew of the secret we had to protect, and once it was found out, we began being hunted"

"That's a long time of hiding" I said quietly.

I heard Jimin sigh next to me.

"A very long time. And that's why there isn't many of us, because of the fact we haven't got many chances to go out and find relationships... or to even find each other. Our families have always kept in touch, and we always knew each time a new child was born, another generation alive and kept going" he said with a small smile.

"So if we don't have children, whatever is it, dies with us?" I asked, confused.

Joonie shrugged, "honestly I have no idea, I'm sure at one stage someone in the eight of our families didn't have a child, and I wonder if it was passed to another descendant of the God blood line"

I took a deep breath in.

"In the past four hundreds years, it has always been our blood line though, we know that much" Jin added.

An idle thought crossed my mind.

"Do we ever mix blood lines?" I wondered.

Joon cleared his throat, "we have done in the past"

"Does it matter what descendant we come from? If we mix?" I wondered out loud, trying to understand it.

Joon pursed his lips, "some are stronger than others. We haven't mixed within our lines in over three hundred years... it's not overly common, but when it does happen, you can foresee it"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"A lot of the times, we are mostly the same same gender. But there are two descendants in our blood lines that are always the same sex, no matter what... unless there is a reason for them to link again, which apparently they became the opposite gender, for that reason. They are stronger together, which in turn makes the others stronger" Joon said slowly.

Then that clicked in my head, I was the only woman. That meant it was me, that was meant to link.

I knew even without asking, who I was meant to link with.

I sighed, and leant back against the tree again.

Without even looking in his direction, I could feel the rot rolling towards me. I placed one hand on the ground again, and wondered how much I could use what ever ability this was.

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