Chapter Fourteen - Abilities

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After we tided up from breakfast, Joon called out to me from the kitchen, "shall we go and practice? Will give us a chance to see if anything has changed now that Erin is with us"

Agreement filled the large room and I glanced at Hobi next to me.

"Like Joon said before, we had to be strong enough for when it was time for you to join us. We all have our special ways of fighting and defending ourselves and each other" he breathed out.

"Meet by the lake alright?" Joon said as he walked to his bedroom.

Tae gave me a small smile as he came over to me, "come on"

As we walked, our hands brushed against one another and I felt the coolness on the back of my hand. I already missed his touch, the way it made my body react.

I felt the wolf before I saw him, he came sprinting towards us with another wolf next to him, and I smiled as he pushed his big head against my hip as we go to the lake.

The other slightly darker grey wolf sniffed at my open hand, and settled against his pack mate near to me.

Tae was stood behind me as I stood in front of the lake, it was like I always knew where he was, without having to look for him. I felt the tug of his soul as he came closer, and I leant my head back to rest on his collar bone as he nuzzled his nose into my hair.

"I'm beginning to understand more and more everyday why the last link, where the Hades descendant took out thousands of lives when the Persephone descendant was killed. I cannot imagine what I'd do if you were taken. I'd destroy mankind just for the sake of it" he murmured out, and I felt the pull of his ability against my mind as his emotions changed.

The such raw emotion he was showing me, made me feel like my own feelings were validated, that whatever this was that was so much more than just a typical start of a romantic relationship.

"I don't want to think about that... I'd end up scaring myself with what I think would happen" I muttered, thinking of storms and hurricanes, and the tact that I knew I could also pull souls away. I wondered if I was in that mentality, that if I could actually stop myself from doing it.

We could hear Jimin and Hobi's laughter, and we both turned to see the six men coming towards us. The wolves next to me bound over to Jin, and he smiled down at them.

As I looked at them all further, I saw that they were kitted up. Jin had a bow across his back. Joon had a long spear in his hand, and JK had two blades hanging from a belt around his small waist.

I glanced over to Hobi, who gave me a smile.

"Don't you use anything?" I asked.

He shook his head, "watch"

And I done as I was told as he turned to face a tree, and with one flick of his wrist, a small, long and sharp object flew out of his hand, and embedded in the trunk of the tree. The object was glistening, and it almost hurt my eyes to continue to look at it.

It reminded me of how bright the sun was, that if you looked at it for too long, it made your eyes squint and have to turn away.

"It's the energy of the sun" he answered for me.

"Impressive" I muttered, nodding my head.

He closed his palm, and the long object of energy almost evaporated. I saw the dent in the tree, and quickly healed it pushing it out with my mind.

Yoongi came and stood by me, "I prefer to use my hands, if anybody gets close enough"

He said that so calmly, but it made me glance up at him briefly.

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