Chapter Four - Sole Survivors

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I followed the three of them as we walked, and Joon looked over to Jimin.

"I was trying" Jimin said quietly.

He nodded, "I know you were"

Jin cast a gaze behind his shoulder at me and offered a small smile as he saw the wolf right beside me.

"Jin do you..." Joon trailed off, and I gathered he couldn't finish the sentence because of me.

"Yes I do. It's not as strong, and I could push it more, but they are mostly here by free will" Jin muttered, looking back at Joon.

"Shasta, let them know to come out" Joon said, looking up at the sky.

Immediately, the owl let out a loud screech, making me wince slightly. 

We stopped walking, and I saw Jin settle back against a tree, and I wondered why we had stopped right here. A few seconds later, I heard loud noise on the ground underneath me, and a about ten feet ahead of me, the ground just seemed to open up.

It was a underground safe house, a bunker.

I rose my eyebrows.

Two men came out, and one had a bright smile as he towered above me. He looked very physically fit, you could tell under that jumper he had a defined body.

The other, had black hair that was parted, he offered a small side smile at me.

And just like I had felt with the other five I had met already, it was like I somehow already knew these men.

Tae drifted across my mind, something was different with him.

"I'm Jungkook, call me JK" the taller one than the other man said.

I nodded, and offering a smile.

"I'm Yoongi, Erin" the other side, walking towards Hobi who had just appeared near Jin.

"Where's Tae?" JK asked, glancing around us.

"On his way" Joon replied.

I wondered on how he knew that, but then thought back to Shasta, and how Hobi just randomly turned up.

I relaxed back against the tree, and Jimin took of my rucksack, sitting back on the floor.

I could feel it on my right hand side, that Tae was near. The dullness in the forest around him, called to me. He appeared a few seconds later, and went and stood near Jin.

Joon looked down at me, "well this has been a long time in the making"

I rose an eyebrow at him.

"I've been searching for you all, for a while" he offered.

I didn't give him any reaction.

"And even longer since all of the desce-" JK began, until Jin quickly cut him off.

"Yes, even longer" Jin said quickly, and JK looked over at him, slightly confused onto why he cut him off the way he did.

"While all of us knew things from a young age, we all understood the past, and the history, Erin doesn't know. I'm not sure why her family didn't tell her, my parents never told me anything else apart from her name, and I just assumed she would know" Joon began, everyone had their eyes on him.

"But why wouldn't they tell her when..." Jimin trailed off, glancing over at me.

Joon shook his head, "we probably will never know, since all of that generation is now gone"

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