Night 14. Dawning Day [Part 3]

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Night 14

Dawning Day Part 3

You should do as they all say and just disappear!

You are a disgusting human being!

You are weak, vulnerable and a burden to everyone!

Everyone you love is going to die and get covered in blood!

You should be dead and covered in blood!

"No more..."

"It's just for a little while longer, Kira-chan."

"Daddy will cut you for this..."

"Daddy doesn't have to know, my precious little cursed Princess..."

It was like that...just like felt just as cruel, as hateful and disgusting as that. Tears rolled down my cheeks but all I could do was look at Ichiru's body, lying on the floor. His supposed loss had broken my heart, and I knew I could never get over Ichiru...

Because I love Ichiru. And Ichiru hated me.

Zero curled his arms around me, pressing my head to his chest where violent sobs ripped through my body, making it hard to breathe, making it hard to speak and screams were all that left my lips. My throat was dry and sore, my chest ached, and my heart was ripped into tiny little pieces.

Ichiru stirred and my heart stopped still. He said such hurtful things, he brought up old stupid memories. How could I want him to be okay? How could I want him back in my life?

Zero crouched and picked me up, hand on my back and the other under my knees. He stood up, struggling with my weight because he was injured. I struggled, "We can't leave him here, Zero."

"Of course we can," Zero turned. "He deserves what you did to him. Besides, better he stay here than let your father get a hold of him."

My eyes went wide, "My dad is here?"

"You would know that if you'd listened to me in the horror house," Zero said through his clenched jaw.

"I was chasing Ichiru," I moved and he dropped me but I landed on my feet. I turned to Zero, "And if my dad is here, we need to bring Ichiru to him."

"Why? Your dad is just going to kill him for that kiss," Zero grabbed me from the back of my head and brought his sleeve to my lips. "He can't kiss you like that––"

"Stop it," I pushed him away from me. "I don't care about the kiss," my shoulders sagged when I realized that I had to do the worst thing ever. I had to tell Zero that he was right, "You were right, Z. Ichiru is – was – dead. And now he's alive and we don't know why...Dad can help us. Uncle Cross can help us. We can't leave him here."

"We're not taking him with us, Kira," Zero scolded me. "We'll head out to the Association, bring them here. Ichiru is not stepping foot on Cross Academy grounds again. And nowhere near you."

"Fine, fine, fine. Whatever. Just get them here," I begged.

Zero gave me a look, a raised eyebrow and he looked genuinely shocked. Zero ran his hand through his hair, "And what makes you think, dear Princess, that I'm leaving you here alone with my brother?"

"Because you're faster than me and Ichiru and I need to talk," I explained.

"I'm not leaving you here alone with that psycho! Previously dead psycho if I can say that."

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