Night 21. Merged

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Night 21


It was an ordinary day. The sun was shining brightly up in the afternoon sky and the kids were running around in the park. There was laughter, and giggles and love filled the air. It was love that covered the ground with blood...

If he closed his eye he could see it all before him: Kira, the Hunters Circle's Princess, stolen from them, right before their eyes. The Pureblood seemed to come from nowhere, hungry and thirsty. He attacked the kids without a second thought and grabbed the first one he could. Which sadly was Kira.

She was torn away from Kaito's arms, and the Hunters chased the Pureblood to a cemetery. It was here, that Yagari wished he was a real Saisho. A destroyer. A monster, just like the Vampires. When they rounded the corner, Kira was limp in the Pureblood's hands, blood spilled onto the Pureblood's chest, all over Kira's clothes. And the damned Vampire sobbed. Cried like he knew Kira. Cried like he loved her. Wana grabbed his daughter and Kaien kept the Pureblood safe.

It was here that the Hunters Circle slowly started to separate and fall away. Yagari wondered what would have happened if they had stayed close together. Would Senji still be alive now? Would Ichiru have been different? Would Zero be a Vampire?

Yagari blew out a cloud of smoke and leaned back in his chair as his memories twirled and twisted back to a time where his precious students were still children, "I wonder what would have changed had that Pureblood not ripped us apart."

No one knew who the Pureblood was, or what he wanted with Kira or long he'd been watching her. It was the first time someone directly attacked one of them, and Yagari considered it a personal offense. Just like when Shizuka Hio attacked the Kiryuus and he came out of retirement to hunt her down––

Kenni stopped doing his homework and looked up, "Something is different...the winds are changing..."

"A Mary Poppins reference isn't going to help you with math, kid," Yagari snapped. But Kenni didn't stop staring out of the window. His eyes locked on the moon, "Oi, kid. Focus on math."

Kenni looked at Yagari with a blank stare, "Where is Kira?"

Yagari blinked, "She' She left the Association, and we're hoping that she'd come back for you."

"Okay, but where is she now?" Kenni asked, "Is she okay?"

Yagari took the cigarette out of his mouth, "Why do you ask?"

Kenni looked out of the window and stared at the moon, "The wind changes when she's not okay...," he stood up suddenly and walked around the table.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?!" Yagari demanded as he shot to his feet and grabbed Kenni's sleeve, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to find my sister," Kenni replied. He shook Yagari off, "Dad will know where she is. And he's probably at the Association. So I'll ask him."

"You aren't allowed in the office if you aren't a Hunter, Kenni-kun," Yagari snapped as he followed the kid.

"Then I guess I'm going to be a Hunter," Kenni replied as he shrugged into his jacket and wrapped his scarf around his head.

§Vampire Knight§


"When you wake up, you won't exist anymore. Just like we planned...have our plans changed? Or have you changed?"

Her eyes fluttered open slowly. They seemed to glow in her snow white face. Her hair and skin was stained with blood and her lips had a blue tinge to them. She sat up slowly, throwing her legs over the metal bed where she laid. Surrounded by the bodies of her fallen comrades.

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