Night 9. Charm

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"Where do you think Kira is?"

Zero looked up from his book and glanced at his twin, who was gazing outside the lounge window at the storm that had hailed upon their neighbourhood. Beside the sofa were boxes stacked upon boxes. Ichiru's gaze was focused on the rain outside, lightning danced across the sky; lighting up Ichiru's features. Zero felt his eyes go wide when he saw a dark sad gaze within the violet pools. He knew Ichiru missed Kira, but something had been off lately about Ichiru. But it had been almost two years since Kira left them, what brought her up now?

"I don't know Ichiru. Probably in a Hospital somewhere if she left because she was sick," Zero closed his book and set it on his lap and waited for his brother to meet his gaze.

Instead, Ichiru slid off the couch and put his coat on and headed for the front door. Zero climbed off the armchair and watched his brother move to the door and open it. The winds rushed in, lightning lit up the sky and the thunder rolled off into the darkening sky as rain fell from the grim sky.

"Ichiru?! What are you doing?!" Zero demanded, moving quickly and closing the door in front of Ichiru. Zero met his brother's gaze and was surprised to see his twin looking at him with angry eyes, "Ichiru?"

"I want to find Kira!" Ichiru snapped angrily, "Let me find her!"

"You can't go outside Ichiru! You'll get sick!" Zero pleaded. Ichiru sighed and Zero knew reason would calm his brother down. Kira was a thing of the past. Someone to be forgotten. Someone to move past. Why couldn't Ichiru understand that?

"Fine," Ichiru moved to turn up the stairs and ascended them. Ichiru turned and looked at his brother, "I don't understand you, Zero. Why don't you want to see her again? Wasn't she your friend too?"

Zero was shocked by his brother's irritation. What had gotten into him? What was making him so angry? Was it the fact that in a few short months, their beloved Master would be leaving them?

"Ichiru...," Zero started climbing the stairs.

"Don't!" Zero froze and Ichiru sighed and his sad gaze was back, his voice was calmer, "I'll find her again. When I'm stronger, I'll find her."


Did you ever, Ichiru? After Shizuka Hiou had given you her blood, and you had become stronger, did you ever go out and find Kira? Did you ever venture beyond that woman's iron fist? Or did you always stay by her side?

"OW! Watch it!"

Zero blinked and took his gaze from the sky to see Kira standing with her feet apart, arms stretched wide, holding back a group of Day Class Girls that wanted to get closer to the Moon Dorm gate. Kira was holding her own, she was different from Yuuki. She wasn't afraid to get violent – if you pushed her far enough. For now, she adapted to playing Prefect quite well.

"How is she?"

Zero didn't jump at the sudden appearance of Kaito. He crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged, "The Night Class hasn't come out yet. So I guess, we'll have to wait and see."

"I meant, with class today?" Kaito raised an eyebrow and glanced at Zero.

"Thought you didn't care. Weren't you the one to tell me to stay away?" Zero smirked at his hand over Kaito and frowned when Zero hit him over the head.

"Doesn't mean I'm not concerned," Kaito snapped. He gazed at Kira and watched her drop her duty of being Prefect to talk to another student about something. This action seemed to throw everyone off, the Day Class Girls, the girl Kira was talking too and Kaito and Zero.

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