Night 20. Death

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Night 20


There was soft light streaming in from the thin lace white curtains. There was a music box playing a lullaby in the background with a little plastic ballerina twirling around and around and around in a pretty pink tutu.

The rocking chair was going back and forth, back and forth at a slow steady rhythm. There was the soft sound of snoring and mumbling. Kiryuu Senji stood in the doorway of the nursery and watched Sudikako Wana sitting on the rocking chair, rocking his new-born daughter back and forth, back and forth, just staring at her. He chuckled when it looked like the father was putting himself to sleep.

Senji walked in and set the bottle down on the counter, "Give her to me, Wana. Stretch your legs for a bit."

"I'm happy here," Wana smiled. He glanced up at his best friend, "She's so quiet when she's asleep."

"She sleeps a lot. What a good kid," Senji crouched down beside Wana and carefully caressed the little baby's head, "She hardly makes a sound."

"It makes me nervous sometimes," Wana chuckled. He looked up, "Is Kana still taking a nap?"

"Yeah, she's out cold, too," Senji grinned. "She likes little Kira, huh?"

"Adores her," Wana grinned, "I don't think this feeling ever goes away," he looked at his new born little girl, "This is the first daughter to be born into the Hunters Circle."

Senji raised an eyebrow, "How do you figure that? Kana was born first."

"Yeah, but she was born outside of the Association, outside of the walls, away from the Hunters. I wanted Kira to be born like that," Wana caressed her little head. "But she couldn't wait just a few weeks longer."

"Because she wanted to meet the twins, duh," Senji chuckled. He stood up and walked to the crib where his twin boys were fast asleep, cuddled around each other. Zero was sleeping quietly, Ichiru snored just like his old man, "Who would've thought that we'd be fathers, huh?"

"I know," Wana kissed his daughter's head. He yawned and looked up at Senji, "I need a bathroom break. Will you watch over her for me, just for a while?"

"Of course!" Senji squealed happily, "Hand the little Princess over."

"Don't get so excited," Wana chuckled, "It's just for a while," he carefully passed his daughter over to his friend.

"I'm never giving her back," Senji teased as he walked further away from Wana. Wana rolled his eyes and left to use the bathroom. Senji rocked the little girl in his arms, slowly, gently while staring at her sleeping face, "Oh, you're not my daughter, but you will be one day. Even if I have to force you to marry one of the twins."

Senji's twins were only a few months older than Kira, and that is probably why he was so fascinated with the little girl. Kana was born outside of the Association, and she was a sweet little girl and she had to be kept secret from the Association or else they would start training her now at her very young age, which did not go down well with Wana. That is why they kept Kana a secret until she was old enough to decide what she wanted.

Poor little Kira was not so lucky. Although Jenichi hid her pregnancy well, one meeting at the Hunters Association and little Kira wanted to come out. She was the only female baby to be born inside the Hunters Association building, and now she had to start training as soon as she was old enough to follow instructions.

"But you're going to be a brave little Hunter, huh," Senji cooed. "It doesn't matter if you're a girl. You're going to be the kick-assiest of them all! And then when one of my sons marry you, I'll be the best father-in-law!"

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