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My parents told me that when I was seven years old, I was biking around and I fell off and scratched myself. That's how I got the long, thin and pale scar that I've worn forever on my left arm.  I always wondered how falling off a bike could create a scar like this, but then again, I don't remember the incident, so I wouldn't know.

I was pulled out of my walk down memory lane when I noticed Automn Fairchild heading towards the bus stop - actually, heading right towards me. She'd been in my class forever, but I couldn't help the breath that caught in my throat when I saw her. She had long, straight, soft-looking auburn hair that fell right in the middle of her back and mesmerizing hazel eyes. I didn't have a crush on her though, I swear. The other seniors did enough of that.

Automn planted herself right next to me and asked, guilt overcoming her features, "Alden! I'm so sorry for asking but do you have extra money for the bus? I forgot mine." I nodded and the guilt on her face melted away to gratitude when I shuffled around in my school bag and handed her some loose change.

"Thank you so much!! I mean, I knew you'd do it, you wouldn't let an old preschool friend with no way to get home, would you," she teased with a cheeky smile.

An old preschool friend? I laughed unconvincingly, but my blank expression gave me away. She gasped and brought her hands to her heart, acting hurt. "Ouch.  You don't remember me! You don't remember our old preschool days!" she accused playfully.

This time I truly laughed, before catching her off guard and saying, "I don't know how I can't remember you though, you're very hard to forget."
I smirked and her cheeks flushed ever-so-slightly, but she didn't miss a beat and replied, "Flirty, are we?"

The city bus chose this exact moment to get to the bus stop and we hopped on. Of course, the last two empty seats were right next to eachother.

Automn slid to the seat closest to the window and dramatically set her bag on the seat beside her, blocking me from sitting down. I stared at her in confusion and she sent me a cute, innocent smile in response.

"May I, uh, sit with you, old preschool friend?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound posh.

"Oh my! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!" she said theatrically as she freed the spot of her school bag. I sat down and sighed with contempt.

"By the way, was that you trying to sound posh? 'Cause it was awful," she stated casually.

"Oh, shut up," I joked while nudging her playfully with my shoulder. She planted her eyes in mine and articulated slowly, "Make me."

My eyes widened and butterflies erupted in my stomach - and lower region - but she burst out laughing and nudged me harder than I did a few seconds ago. I was about to push her gently again, but I became aware of an old lady staring at us. 

She smiled at us and tilted her head before saying, "You two are a lovely couple." I turned to Automn and saw she had a furious blush going on.  I chuckled and looked back at the lady, "Oh no, we're old friends," I assured the lady with a wave and gave said old friend a cheeky wink. 

Automn's face returned to a normal color and it became comfortably quiet between us, except for the ongoing conversations on the bus all around.

I wanted to keep talking to her though, so even though I already knew the answer, I asked in what I hope was a casual tone, "So what's the homework for tomorrow?" She looked away from the window and eyed me skeptically.

"We've been in the same class for all of high school, I know you keep a perfectly neat agenda, so I think you know what the homework is," she answered matter-of-factly. Now it was my turn to blush, I just got caught. She bit her lip to stop herself from smiling, which made it impossible for me to not glance down at it.

I cleared my throat and quickly brought my gaze back to her eyes.  "Okay then.  So where are you headed on this fine Wednesday afternoon?" I inquired, changing the subject and lifting the previous tension. 

She smiled, as if she was remembering something.  "I go help out in my sister's class at Sunset Special Ed school every Wednesday," she explained happily.  My eyebrows raised in surprise.  I wasn't really surprised though, I knew Automn was a really good person, and I just knew the kids she helped loved her, I mean who didn't?

"That's amazing," I said, for lack of better words, hoping my tone conveyed how impressed I was.  "Why does your sister go there, if you don't mind me asking?" I wondered aloud.

"Grace has autism.  She's the cutest and nicest person I know.  She's obsessed with old movies and wants to be an actress someday," Automn told me.

"She sounds adorable.  I just hope producers will hire actors and actresses who actually have ASD when they make a movie to bring autism awareness instead of getting neurotypical actors to act autistic," I ranted.  She looked at me, dumbfounded. I guess she didn't know how much I knew about it.

She crossed her arms, never once breaking our eye contact.  "I totally agree.  I have to say, I'm impressed.  You seem to know a lot about it."

I shrugged. "Not a lot, just a bit. My grandma talks about it sometimes," I explained.  She smiled and nodded before looking off in the distance.  I observed her as she looked lost in thought, watching all the different houses we passed by.

Automn turned abruptly to face me, looking like she had just thought about something important.  I saw her bite the inside of her cheek, because - much to my embarrassment - she seemed to have caught me staring, and she asked, "So what about you? Where're you headed?"

I forced myself to meet her curious eyes.  "My grandma Pearl's.  I go there after school pretty often.  Her house is actually close to here so I should get off soon," I said while grabbing my school bag. 

"That's really sweet, not a lot of people I know visit their grandmas often," she said quietly, more to herself than to me.

"I know, they should though," I stated while pressing the button to notify the driver to let me out at the next stop. I sighed. Not that I would admit it, but I was bummed to have to leave now. "Alright, bye Automn," I said and flashed her a genuine smile.

"Bye Alden, thanks again for the money, I'll pay you back!" she responded quickly.

The bus rolled to a halt and I hopped out, not before turning around one last time and giving Automn - and the sweet old lady - a small smile.

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