Chapter 15

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Emma raced inside as she saw Kim in the living room. "Kim! Kim! You won't believe what I found in the shed. I found a diary and newspaper articles on Crystal Lake." Emma said to her as Kim looked at the diary and the newspaper article. Kim's eyes widened. "Oh my God. I wonder did Brian knew about this?" Kim said as she kept reading the diary. Emma saw Brian walked in the house with Kelly. "Speak of the devil." Emma said as she saw Brian walked in. "What is your fucking problem?" Brian asked Emma as he looked at her. "My problem is that you are a two-timing cheating dirty dog!" Emma shouted as her anxiety was kicking in. "What in the fuck are you talking about Emma? Your bi-polar must be acting up again." Brian said to Emma as he raised an eyebrow. "Do you think that I am fucking stupid?! I saw you upstairs with that bitch on top of you! Then while I was outside smoking a cigarette, I saw you leaving with her to her damn house holding hands and shit!" Emma shouted at Brian. Kim sighs as she shook her head. "I think I better go." Kelly said as she quickly walked outside on the porch. "You better!" Emma shouted then Kim walked over to Brian as she could smell sex on him. "Why Brian?" Kim said as she looked up at him. "Come on Kim. We been having problems. You don't trust me." Brian said as he looked at her. "Why do you think?! You cheated on me last time and I took you back! You promised me that you would not do this again! And you did!" Kim shouted at Brian as she had enough. "Maybe if you wasn't too boring and fucked up, none of this wouldn't have happen." Brian said to Kim then Kim slapped him hard as Emma jumped a little. "Go to hell Brian. It's over." Kim said to Brian as she walked outside as it stopped raining. Emma smirked at Brian. "It hurts doesn't it?" She asked with a smirk then Teddy and Jessica stood there as they both saw everything that happened. Brian looked at her. "Instead of meddling in my relationship Emma. How about you worry about your own damn relationship because your girlfriend is fucking your best friend!" Brian said to Emma as Teddy's eyes widened and Jessica put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my." Jessica said to Teddy. Emma shook her head. "Bullshit. Tiffany and Omar would not betray me like that!" Emma shouted as she didn't want to believe what Brian has told her. "Don't you hear the loud moans upstairs you fucking moron? Check for yourself." Brian said as he walked outside. Emma quickly went upstairs to see if Brian was telling the truth. She walked down the hallways and heard loud moans coming from one of the rooms. She slowly cracked the door and saw Omar on top of her girlfriend as she was pissed off and hurt. "Oh Omar! I love you baby!" Tiffany shouted while moaning. Omar was moaning as well, then he stopped as he felt someone pushed him off Tiffany. "What the fuck?! My best friend is fucking my girlfriend?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Emma shouted as she couldn't believe what is going on.

"Emma, I can't explain. I'm-" Omar said as he was interrupted when Emma slapped him. "Explain what?! That you got horny, so you decided to fuck my girlfriend?!" Emma shouted at Omar as she was pissed off and hurt. Tiffany jumped out of the bed as she wrapped herself in a blanket and stood in front of Omar. "Don't you dare touch him again!" Tiffany shouted as she guarded Omar. "Oh, really Tiffany?! We have been together for two fucking years! And this is how you repay me?!" Emma shouted at Tiffany. "You knew that I am bisexual Emma and you knew that I like guys as well! I love Omar and I want to be with him." Tiffany said to Emma as she looked at her. Emma's heart dropped as she looked at her girlfriend. "Are you saying that you don't want to be with me anymore?" Emma asked her as she had tears don her face. "I'm sorry Emma. It's over for me and you." Tiffany said as she looked at Emma. "I hope you two burn in hell when Jason gets a hold of you two!" Emma shouted as she stormed out of the room. "Jason?" Omar asked as he raised an eyebrow. Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Ignore her. Let's get back in bed. I want to cuddle with you babes." Tiffany said to Omar with a smile. Kim walked over to Frank's house and notice there was a red trail in his driveway. "What is that?" Kim asked herself then she knocked on the door. Frank saw Kim at the door as he open the door and quickly grabbed her inside and locked the door. "Jesus Christ, what is up with you pulling me inside? What is going on here?" Kim asked Frank as she looked at him. "There is a killer on the loose." Frank said to Kim as he looked at her wearing a black trench coat, black jeans, black boots and a black tee shirt with his signature white scull on it. "What killer?" Kim asked as she was confused. "The killer's name is Jason Voorhees. He just killed a girl on my front porch." Frank said as he was loading his Glock. Kim's eyes widened as she could not believe what Frank told her. "Oh my God! Are you serious?!" Kim shouted. "Yeah. There were more murders that happened here in this town. That's why you and your friends need to get the hell out of here." Frank said as he looked at Kim. Kim nodded. "Can you please walk me back to the cabin?" Kim asked Frank as he nodded and grabbed his shotgun off the couch. "Let's go." Frank said as he walked Kim out of the house. They walked across the street to the lodge and walked inside. Brian saw Kim walked inside with Frank as he was pissed off. "Really Kim? You gave me hell for being with Kelly and you over here fucking this old ass man behind my back!" Brian shouted at Kim. "I don't have time for your bullshit Brian! There is a killer on the loose! We need to get the hell out of here!" Kim shouted at Brian. "Like hell I will! There is no killer. It's just some old legend tale to scare us." Brian said to Kim. "It is not a legend tale. A couple of people have been murdered in this town today. Look at the news to see for yourself." Frank said to Brian.

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