Chapter 9

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Later that night, the waitress from the diner name Flo was coming out of the night club as she also works as a stripper at night. She was standing outside smoking a cigarette as she was wearing a jacket to cover up her stripper attire. Frank was at the gas station as it was close to the night club, he was getting gas for the car he is driving now. Flo saw Frank as she smile and decided to walk to the gas station. She walked up to Frank. "Hey you. Aren't you the guy I met at the diner where I worked at?" Flo said to him as she smiled. "I think I was the one you met at the diner." Frank said to her as he put the nozzle back after he finished getting gas for his car. "So why didn't you call me yet?" Flo asked him as she finished smoking her cigarette. "I was busy." Frank said to her as he looked at Flo. Flo nodded. "It's understandable. I be busy myself, working two jobs. Do you mind getting me a ride home? My ride hasn't showed up and my sister is not returning my calls." Flo said to Frank as she looked at him. Frank nodded. "Sure. Get In." He said to her as she smiled. A Caucasian male walked over with rage in his eyes. "So, this is what you do? Going around tricking you fucking slut?" He said to her as he looked at her. "Fuck off Oscar! I told you that me and you were done a week ago." Flo said to Oscar as she looked at him. "Bitch, it's over when I said it's over. Get your ass out the car!" Oscar said as he pulled her out of the car. "Let me go Oscar!" Flo shouted as she was dragged out of the car by her ex-boyfriend. Frank sits in the car as he watched everything that was going on. Flo got up and pushed Oscar off her. "Get the fuck off me! What part of I don't want to be with anymore do you not understand?! Are you fucking retarded or something?!" Flo shouted at Oscar then he backslapped her. "Bitch watch who in the fuck you are talking to! You fucking cunt!" Oscar shouted as he got on top of her as he started slapping her. Flo started screaming then Frank finally had enough as he got out of his car and walked over and pulled Oscar off Flo. "You want some of this you fucking prick?!" Oscar ran towards Frank as he tries to punch him. Frank ducked and flipped him over on the ground. Oscar slowly got up then attempts to fight Frank again. Frank grabbed him and rammed his head and bust the glass on the driver's window of Oscar's car. Flo stood as she watched the fight. Frank opened the driver's door then he grabbed his arm and kept slamming the door on his arm until he broke his arm and Oscar started screaming in pain. Frank slowly walked off then he got into his car. "You still need a ride home?" Frank asked Flo as he starts up his car and Flo nodded and got on the passenger side. Frank then took off in his car as Oscar watched them leave. "You son of a bitch! I will get you back! I swear!" Oscar shouted as he slowly got up, he tries to crank up his car but dropped his keys on the floor of his car. "Fuck." Oscar said to himself. It was hard for him to doing a lot of bending due to his fight with Frank. As he was getting the keys, Jason was at the gas station as there was no one around but him and Oscar.

Oscar finally got the keys as he was struggling to crank it up. He finally got it into the ignition as it struggle to crank. "This piece of shit." He said to himself then he saw someone wearing a hockey mask standing across from him. "Holy shit." Oscar said to himself as he knew that person wanted to kill him. He saw a baseball bat on the passenger floor as he picked it up. He slowly got up and attempt to charge at Jason with the baseball bat. "Fuck you! You piece of shit!" Oscar shouted as he swings at Jason with the bat. Jason dodged the swings then he snatched the bat from him. Jason pushed him down then Oscar gets back up and tackles him. "I can kick your ass with one arm you bastard!" Oscar shouted then Jason threw him down. As Oscar gets up, Jason pulled out his machete as slashed his throat and watched Oscar fall to the ground. Oscar was looking up at the stars as he was holding his throat and was losing a lot of blood. Jason walked over and stood over him, he raised up his machete as he was ready to end this. "Fuck you." Oscar said to Jason as he was coughing up blood. Jason stabs Oscar in the heart with the weapon as he killed him. Jason pulled the machete out of Oscar's body as he slowly walked off and went back into the woods. Frank was driving with Flo in the car as he was taking her home. Flo was telling Frank where to go, and he finally pulled up in the trailer park. "That guy you beat up is my ex-boyfriend. His name is Oscar. I meant to thank you for defending me." Flo said to Frank as she looked at him. "No man should beat on a woman. You didn't deserve that." Frank said to Flo as she smiled at him then she pulled out her phone and texted her friend letting her know that she is home. Frank saw on Flo's phone that she has a picture of herself holding a toddler girl. "So, who is the little girl?" He asked her then she looked at him. "That's Tammy. She is my two-year-old daughter." Flo said to Frank as she bit her lip. "She looks just like her mom." Frank said to her as she smiled. "Thank you." She said then she kissed him on the cheek before she got out of the car and walked to her trailer. Frank smiled as he drove off heading home. Meanwhile, somewhere in the woods were two guys stranded with a broke down car. One of them is African American with a boxed haircut wearing a varsity jacket name Brandon "Bugsy" Wilson and the other is Hispanic name Louis Gonzales who wears a varsity jacket as well with long black hair. "I knew we should have taken my truck. This is the second time your car has broken down on us." Bugsy said to Louis as he was pacing around as he was frustrated. "Chill out dude. I think I know what the problem is. Honda Accords are easy to fix on." Louis said to Bugsy as he was under the hood trying to fix his car. "I hope you can fix it because I don't want to hear Kelly bitching at me when we get up there." Bugsy said as he leaned on the car. "She is always bitching at you. I don't see why you put up with her. Maybe you keep pissing in her bloody tea." Louis said to him as Bugsy chuckled. "You are so fake bro. You be talking shit about Kelly but when she is around us, you be kissing her ass." Bugsy said to Louis as he chuckled. "That's because I am trying to get good with her so I can date her twin sister Karen. If I don't play nice then she will fuck up any chance I will have with her sister." Louis said to Busby as he looked at him.

"I knew there was a reason why you was kissing her ass. You think you slick." Bugsy said to Louis with a smirk. "You got to play your cards right, bro. It can work for you, whenever she starts bitching. Don't argue back with her just be like I'm sorry baby and she'll give you some ass more often, dude." Louis said to Bugsy as he smiled at him. "Maybe. I'm going to take a piss. I'll be right back." Bugsy said to Louis as he walked in the woods to go urinate. Jason was walking in the woods as he saw a car then he hear someone in the woods singing as he begins walking into that direction. Bugsy was singing So Sick by Neyo while urinating on the tree. Jason found Bugsy by his singing as he hid somewhere so he couldn't see him. Louis was still working on his car as he was still under the hood. Bugsy was finished as he zipped up his pants, he looked around in the woods trying to see what he can find. He doesn't know that Jason was somewhere close by. Bugsy saw a patch of cannabis growing in the bushes as his eyes widened. "Holy shit, I found weed." Bugsy said to himself as he was still looking at the patch of cannabis. "Hey Louis, you won't believe what I found!" Bugsy shouted out to Louis then he saw someone standing in front of him wearing a hockey mask holding a bloody machete as Bugsy's eyes widened. "Hey yo! What the fuck?!" Bugsy shouted as he saw Jason running at him with the machete. Jason swung at him with the machete as Bugsy dodged it then he started punching Jason in the face and the body, then he tackles Jason to one of the trees. Jason counters and hits him with a double axe handle him in the back then he lifts him up as he starts running him to a tree. Bugsy saw the tree and saw a sharp broken off branch as he knew what was going to happen. "Noooo!" Busby shouted out with fear then Jason impales Bugsy on the branch of the tree as it pierced his heart and you can see Bugsy's body hanging on the tree. Louis looked up as he heard screaming then he got back to work on his car. Louis already had his car cranked up as he was doing finishing touches to his car. "Hey Bugsy! You ready to go?!" Louis shouted out for Busby but didn't hear a response from. "Hey Bugsy! Bugsy!" Louis shouted for Bugsy again then Jason grabbed him and was attempting to push his face on the engine. Jason's strength took over as he ram his face on the moving engine as blood splattered on the hood and some on the windshield. Louis laid dead on the engine as Jason walked off after grabbing his machete.

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