Chapter 14

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Kim was running across the street as it was still pouring down with rain. She walked inside of the lodge and went to the bathroom to dry out her hair with her hair blower. Emma was inside of a barn and was looking around then she found a diary as she starts reading it while smoking a cigarette. Tiffany was on top of Omar as she was riding him with both of her hands on his chest. "Oh baby." Tiffany said as she was moaning while she was on top of Omar as he was moaning. Meanwhile Karen was at the house as she was getting ready to head next door to see Omar. She just finished putting on her make up and put on perfume on her shirt, she even sprayed the front of her panties before putting on her sweatpants. Karen rolled her eyes while putting on her rain jacket as she hears her twin sister in her room having sex with Brian before walking out of the house. Back at the lodge, someone was watching Tiffany and Omar having sex through the window. The person that was watching Tiffany and Omar was none other than Crazy Ralph. He was looking for a way to get inside of the lodge to once again warn the campers about staying in this town. He hears footsteps as he turned around to see where the sound was coming from, but he doesn't see anything. When he turned back around to view the house, he saw Jason and was impaled with a machete through his gut. Ralph fell to the ground as he was dead. Karen just saw the murder took place as she was frightened as she saw Jason pulled the machete out of Ralph's gut. Jason looked up and saw the girl as he starts walking towards her. Karen took off running as she starts screaming. "Somebody help me!" Karen shouted as she kept running. Emma looked up as she heard screaming. "Now what?" Emma said as she sighs then she went back reading the diary. As Karen kept running, her keys fell out of her pocket as she raced back to her home. Jason was running behind her while holding his machete. Karen ran to the front door as she was going through her pockets to find her keys. "Where are my fucking keys?! Shit!" She shouted as she could not find her keys. Karen starts beating on the door. "Kelly open the door!" She shouted as she hopes that her sister hears her. Kelly was still upstairs as she was still having sex with Brian with loud music playing from her radio. "God dammit Kelly! Open the fucking door! Someone is trying to kill me!" Karen shouted as she kept banging on the door. Karen turned around and saw Jason with the machete as he attempted to slash her with it as she screamed, and Jason end up hitting the wooden porch as Karen quickly moved out of the way. Karen starts running and screaming as she was heading across the street to another house. As she made it to the other house, she starts banging on the door. "Please, somebody help me!!!!" Karen shouted as she was banging on the door. Frank was upstairs in his room sleeping as he was turning in his sleep in his bed. Karen was crying as she kept banging on the door. "Pleee-eese! Help me!" Karen shouted as she was fearing for her life.

Meanwhile, Whitney just finished buying clothes and guns from the store. She quickly went to the truck as she saw the news was reporting the murders that took place at the mental hospital. It showed her face as the reporter said that she is missing. The manager called the sheriff department as Whitney took off in her Silverado. Whitney was speeding as she has her mind focused on Jason. "Alright Jason. This ends right here in Crystal Lake." Whitney said to herself as she was ready to put an end to Jason tormenting her. Frank quickly got up as he was annoyed by hearing loud knocks on his door. He sighs as he walked downstairs to go see who is at the door. Karen saw Jason was coming as she continues to bang on the door. She knew someone was home as she saw the room light is on. "Please help me!" Karen shouted as she kept banging then Karen turned around and saw Jason as he grabbed her by the throat and raised her up on the door. "Please... Don't kill me." Karen said as she was pleading with Jason. She was helpless, it was nothing she can do but face her own death. Frank turned the lock as he was attempting to open the door. He stopped as he saw a bloody machete pierced through his front door as he fell on the floor. He was shocked at what just took place, he got up and rushed into the other room to grab his shotgun. Karen was on the ground as she was dead with blood flowing out of her mouth. Jason grabbed her by the leg as he starts dragging her body on the ground as he left a blood trail on the ground. Frank finally open the front door as he was wearing a tank top with shorts, holding a shotgun. He looked outside and saw there was nobody there, he looked on the ground and saw the blood trail on the ground. Frank looked around with a glare. "Alright Jason. Game on. It's time for you to know the difference between justice and punishment." Frank said as he loaded up his shotgun.

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