Chapter 13

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Back at the mental hospital at Crystal Lake, Whitney was hiding under the desk as she was hiding from Jason. Jason was looking around as he already killed two security guards after he was able to get inside of the hospital. Whitney slowly walked into the closet to hide while Jason was not looking. Jason was looking around as he was looking for Whitney. A nurse name Ashley just came out of the restroom as she was on the phone with her boyfriend. "So, Bobby, put the duck in the oven. I will clock in fifteen minutes. Okay babes, I love..." Ashley said as she was interrupted by Jason grabbing her by the throat. "No! Let me go!" Ashley said as she screamed as she was fighting him. She was trying to get out of his grip. Jason took her in an empty room, he closed the door and saw a coat hook on the door. Jason lift her up as he ram and impale the back of her head on the hook as she was dead instantly. Whitney was shaking bad as she was still in the closet then Jason walked into another office that Whitney is hiding at. Jason had his machete in his hand as he stabbed the desk as he assume that Whitney was hiding under there. Whitney quietly walked out of the closet. And grabbed a tall lamp and hit Jason in the back of the head as he fell. Whitney starts running as she was trying to find a way out of the mental hospital. Jason got up then grabbed his machete and ran out of the office to look for Whitney. Whitney finally ran out of the hospital bare feet as it was pouring down raining. She didn't care, she was running for her life. She saw a pickup truck that was running with the driver door open. She ran to the truck as she shuts the door, it was a 2002 Chevrolet Silverado. As she was getting ready to change the automatic shift to Drive, she saw a security guard standing by the truck. "Hey, what are you doing in my truck?!" The security guard shouted at her. Whitney saw Jason standing behind him as her eyes widened. "Look out! He is behind you!" Whitney shouted at the security guard. "What?!" The security guard shouted back as he couldn't hear. "I said look out!" Whitney shouted at him again then she watch as the security guard turned around and saw Jason. Jason immediately snapped his neck as it made Whitney screamed. Jason walked towards the truck, but Whitney quickly put the truck into drive and took off. She was speeding as her heart was beating fast. Back at the lodge, Brian and Kelly walked downstairs as he was buttoning up his shirt. Emma saw him and shook her head as she was disgusted. "You son of a bitch. How dare you do this to Kim!" Emma said to Brian as she was pissed off. Brian rolled his eyes at Emma. "What in the fuck are you talking about, Emma?" Brian asked Emma then Emma walked towards Brian. Tiffany tried to grab her girlfriend, but she pulled away. "Don't play fucking stupid with me! I saw that slut on top of you screaming her lungs out!" Emma shouted as she was pissed off. "Whatever Emma. You stay out of this. Kim is not perfect neither, she walked out over to that old dude's house. They probably fucking right now." Brian said to Emma as she shook her head.

"I don't know what she sees in a piece of shit like you. You always fucking other bitches behind her back and she keeps taking you back." Emma said to Brian as he rolled his eyes as he and Kelly were heading outside on the porch to smoke a cigarette. "When Kim gets back, I will let her know what you did!" Emma shouted as they kept walking. "I have to get out of here." Emma said as she step outside on the back porch to smoke as her anxiety was running high. Tiffany sighs as she feels stressed from Emma and Brian getting into a heated argument she looked over and saw Omar was trying to take his mind off the argument as he was texting. "Your phone signal works here?" Tiffany asked him as he nodded. "Yep. Thank God it works too." Omar said to Tiffany as he kept texting. "So, who are you texting?" Tiffany asked as she was curious. "Why?" Omar said as he raised his eyebrow at Tiffany. "You don't have to be so secretive. I don't hide things from you." Tiffany said as Omar sighs. "I'm sorry. I was texting Karen." Omar said as he looked at her then Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Oh my God. You need to leave her alone. You saw her sister hopped in the bed with Brian." Tiffany said as she looked at him. "And what does that supposed to mean?" Omar asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She is another Carla." Tiffany said as she rolled her eyes. "You don't even know her. You can't blame her for what her sister did with Brian." Omar said as he looked at her. "You know I always look out for you! Every girl that Teddy hooked you up with were sluts!" Tiffany shouted. "Hey! Why you yelling at me?! Is it that serious?" Omar said as he raised an eyebrow. "Yes, it is because I fucking love you!" Tiffany shouted as she couldn't take it anymore. Omar's eyes widened as he was shocked at what Tiffany told him. "You love me?" Omar asked then Tiffany walked to him then started kissing him. Omar didn't know what to do as she kept kissing him. He starts kissing her back. Tiffany broke the kiss then she grabbed his hand and walked upstairs. She took him into his room and locked the door then starts kissing him deeply. Meanwhile at Frank's house, Kim was looking at the rain through the screen door. Frank just finished putting his weapons in different rooms, just in case if Jason arrives. He wanted to be prepared when he comes for him like he does with his other victims. He saw Kim watching the rain by the door. "For some reason, the rain keeps me relaxed. Just looking at it, you know?" Kim said to Frank as she kept watching the rain. "Yeah, it does." Frank said as he nodded. Kim turned around as she looked at him. "You ever been in love with someone who keeps hurting you?" Kim asked him. "Yeah I have then I cut her off and I end up meeting my wife. Does he treat you bad?" Frank said as he looked at her then she nodded. "He cheated on me a couple of times." Kim said as she looked at him. "Do you think you should stay with him?" Frank asked her. "I don't know." Kim said as she starts playing with her fingers. "If you want someone that is going to respect you then it is time to move on." Frank said as he was making a sandwich then Kim walked over and kissed him softly.

Frank didn't know how to react to her kissing him as he stood there. Kim blushed as she was embarrassed at what she did. "Oh, I'm sorry. I got carried away. I have to go." Kim said as she grabbed her purse then start to run out of the house. "Kim wait." Frank said as he didn't want her to feel awkward. Kim ran outside in the rain as she was on hey way back to the lodge. Whitney was in a hotel as she was tired of driving in the rain and she needed rest. She laid down as she held on to a shotgun that she found in the truck she was driving. Jason was walking as he saw a sign that said Hawkins Lodge. He starts walking into the direction it was showing him.

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