Chapter 17

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Kim was running, she did not know where to go. She ran in the woods and saw Teddy's body leaning on the tree and it made Kim scream. As she moved back, she tripped over a dead body that was behind her. She fell backwards in a puddle and saw Jessica's body that had an axe stuck in her chest. Kim screamed after she saw Jessica's body, then she looked up and saw a dark figure standing as he was breathing vapor through his hockey mask. "Oh my God." Kim said as she was terrified. She quickly gets up as Jason starts moving fast. Jason quickly pulled out the axe from Jessica's chest after he saw Kim took off running. Kim kept running as she was trying to escape out of the woods to get away from Jason. She kept going and accidently ran into Emma as they both fell on the ground. "Holy shit, Kim! What in the fuck?!" Emma shouted as she was trying to get up. "We have to get the hell out of here, Emma!" Kim shouted as she was terrified. "I know. I saw a couple of dead bodies near the lake. I saw one of the twins' body there and I saw Brian's body there as well. "Oh my God! Brian is dead?!" Kim shouted as she was shocked. Emma nodded as she looked at her. "We shouldn't have come here, Kim. Look I found a diary and pieces from newspaper articles." Emma said to Kim as she showed her the diary and newspaper articles. Kim looked and saw Jason was standing across from them holding an axe as her eyes widened. "Oh my God! We need to go now Emma!" Kim shouted as her and Emma starts running together. "We need to split up!" Emma shouted to Kim as they kept running. "No, Emma! We need to stay together!" Kim shouted as she kept running. "Yes, we do!" Emma shouted back as she ran the opposite way. "No, Emma!" Kim shouted as she saw Emma running the other way. She was left with no choice but to keep running. Emma starts running in the tall grass until she saw an outdoor made of thin metal and ran inside then locks it. She sits on the floor as she was breathing heavily. She covered her mouth so she would not make a sound and to cover her nose due to the fowl scent of being inside of the outdoor. Jason was looking around to see where Emma ran to. He started walking and saw an outdoor as he tilted his head. He walked to the door and looked through the glass on the door to see if he saw Emma inside. Emma has her back against the door covering her mouth, trying to make sure she does not make a sound. Jason step back as he does not see Emma, he looked on the ground and saw a metal spiked pole. Emma took a deep breath as she removed her hand over her mouth. "He's gone." Emma mumbled to herself as she was trying to get up. While on he knees, she saw a spike pierced through the wall of the outdoor as she let out a loud scream. She stood on the toilet as her heart was racing. She saw another pole launched into the wall where she was at as she screamed again and starts to cry out of fear.

Emma saw a vent on the roof as she stood on the toilet and pushed the vent off so she could climb out. She hung on to the opened vent entry as she was slowly trying to get on top of the roof to escape. She looked up and saw Jason on the roof as she screams. Jason grabbed on to Emma as she was fighting to get him off her. Emma quickly unbuttoned her jacket as she jumped down then quickly open the door and ran out of the outdoor. She kept running and saw a house with the backdoor open. Emma ran inside and lock the door. Emma walked around as she was terrified, she looked around to see if anyone was there. "Is anyone here?!" Emma shouted as she walked around in the house, she stood by the big window as she deeply sighs. As she walked upstairs, she went into a room and turned on the room light and saw Karen and Omar's body on the bed as it made Emma scream. She raced downstairs and saw a body on the floor. Emma looked at the body and saw it was her girlfriend. "No! Tiffany!" Emma shouted as she ran and held on to Tiffany's body then she hears glass shattered as it sound like it came from the back door, she gently lay down Tiffany's body and stood up as she raced to the front door. She tries to open the door as she was struggling as she kept turning the knob. "Open goddammit!" Emma shouted as she kept trying to open the door. "Open up shit!" Emma shouted as she still cannot open the door then an axe flew through the wooden door and fatally striking her in the chest. Emma laid on the floor as blood was flowing through her mouth. She tries to reach for Tiffany's hand, but her hand falls as she lie there dead. Jason stood over Emma as he noticed that she was dead then he took off to search his next victim. Jason starts chasing after Kim as he saw her running, Kim kept running as she ran into one of the houses. It was the one, Emma ran into earlier. Kim was looking around as she saw a machete on the floor, she picked it up as she was walking upstairs. As she walked upstairs, a hand burst through the stairs and grabbed Kim's ankle as she starts screaming. Kim tries to pull away from the hand but could not, so she hit Jason's hand with the machete and cut his wrist and broke free. Kim took off running as she left the house and went into another one. "Emma, where are you?!" Kim shouted out in fear as she walked. "Frank please help me!" Kim shouted as she walked into the living room next to a big window. As she stood by the window, a body was tossed through the window as it made Kim scream and drop the machete. She looked at the body and saw it was her friend Emma. " Emma!" Kim shouted as she held on to Emma's body then she saw Jason standing by the window as she screams. She lay down Emma's body and raced to the back door and ran back outside. Kim kept running as she was trying to get out of Crystal Lake. As she was running, Kim slipped and fell in mud due to the fact it rained earlier. Kim struggles to get out of the mud as she kept falling. "Shit!" Kim shouted as she kept trying to get up. She screams as she saw Jason walking towards her. Jason stood over Kim as he hears her screaming while raising his machete in the air. Jason stopped as he was distracted by the lights on a pickup truck and the sounds of the horn. Whitney was speeding in her truck as she glared at Jason. "I got you now you son of a bitch." Whitney said as she was still speeding heading towards Jason. Kim immediately rolled out of the way as Jason was trying to block the lights from the truck by covering hie eyes with hie right arm. Whitney kept driving and rammed Jason with her truck as he flew in midair, Jason slowly laid on the ground motionless. Whitney got out of the truck and ran towards Kim. "Hey, are you okay?" Whitney asked Kim as she helped her up. "Yeah, I think so. He killed most of my friends." Kim said to Whitney as she stood up. "He killed my friends too." Whitney said to Kim as the two of them investigate the killer's body. As they got close to Jason, he springs to life and makes a grab for Whitney. Kim screams as Jason had Whitney by the ankle. "Get the fuck off me!" Whitney shouted as she was trying to escape then Kim kicks him in the head to fight him off. Whitney and Kim both took off as they ran towards the barn. Jason slowly gets up then grabbed his machete and starts walking to the barn slowly. As Jason was walking, he did not notice that Frank was standing behind him. "Alright Jason, it's showtime." Frank said as he kept watching Jason.

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