Chapter 5

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Frank was already inside as he was sitting at the table and was looking at the menu, he didn't know what to order. The waitress smiled as she has long blonde hair in a bun with red fingernails and has a nice curvy build body figure. She walked over to where Frank was sitting as she was watching him since he came inside of the diner. "Hello sir, my name is Florina, but everyone calls me Flo for short. I will be your waitress for today, are you ready to order?" Flo said to Frank with a smile. "Yeah, I will get number twenty-three." Frank said to her as he didn't show any emotions when he looked up at her. "The chicken and waffles order with orange juice? Great choice. Anything else I can get you?" Flo asked Frank as she was writing down the order. "No." Frank said as he was thinking. "Okay sir it will be done in fifteen minutes." Flo said as she put the pen in her shirt pocket. Before she walked off, she thought about something as she smiled at Frank. "Do you mind if I as a personal question?" Flo asked Frank as she bit her lip. "Not at all." Frank said as he was looking at the news on his phone. "Are you single or seeing anyone at the moment?" Flo asked him as she was anxious to hear his answer. "No." Frank said as he looked at her with a straight face. Flo smiled as she was writing on her menu pad then she tore the paper out of the pad and gave it to Frank as he looked up at her. "Give me a call. I am off on the weekends, and I usually stay up at nights, so a call or text is fine with me. I am going to get your order taken care of right now." Flo smiled as she walked off to get Frank's order prepared. Brian watched as he saw Flo walked off as he had founded her attractive, Kim saw Brian was looking at the waitress and smacks him in the back of the head. "Really Brian?" Kim said to her boyfriend. "What? I wasn't looking Kim, I swear." Brian said to his girlfriend. "You are a terrible liar, Brian. She saw you looking at that waitress' ass." Emma said as she chuckled. "Ah shut up." Brian said as he threw a rolled-up napkin at Emma as she chuckled. "You better keep your eyes to yourself, Brian." Tiffany said with a smile then she looked at Omar. "The same goes for you, Omar." She said with a smile as Omar looked confused. "What did I do?" Omar said to Tiffany. "We saw you looking at that waitress." Tiffany said to him. "She is not the girl you want to go after, O. Don't worry, me and Tiffany will help find the right girl for you hun." Emma said to Omar as she looked at him. "Don't worry bro, I will help also." Teddy said to Omar with a smile. "I don't think so. You hooked him up with Carla and looked what happened, Teddy." Emma said as she looked at Teddy. "And she broke my best friend's heart, thanks to you Teddy." Tiffany said to Teddy while she held Omar's hand for comfort. Omar was quiet as he blushed a little at Tiffany holding his hand. Emma raised an eyebrow as she felt that Tiffany was getting too close for comfort. "Easy there tiger, you are making our friend blush here." Emma said as she broke up Tiffany holding Omar's hand as she was getting jealous. "Calm down, babe. No need to get jealous." Tiffany said to Emma with a smile. "I am not jealous." Emma said as she was denying her jealousy then Tiffany leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips to keep her calm. "You guys are so cute." Kim said as she smiled at Emma and Tiffany. A waiter walked over with everyone's food as they already ordered when they came to the diner. "It's about damn time. I'm starving." Brian said as he was ready to eat. Kim sighs as she looked at him. "Don't be rude, hun." She said to her boyfriend. Everyone was eating and was done an hour later; everyone was going to the SUV so they can get in and head to Crystal Lake. Frank was going to his van as he was getting ready to head to his uncle's ranch house in Crystal Lake. Brian was annoyed as he saw the van was too close to his car as he raised an eyebrow at Frank. "Um excuse me, do you mind moving your van right now? I can't get in my car since you parked too close to me." He said to Frank. Frank raised an eyebrow as he saw that Brian didn't parked his Suburban correctly. "Actually, you parked too close, you parked way off the line." He said to Brian. "Hey, I know how to park old man. Move this piece of shit right now." Brian said as he was getting angry. "And what if I don't?" Frank said as he glared at him. Kim pulled back her boyfriend to prevent the two from fighting. "Brian, stop! That's enough! Go on the passenger side. I'll wait until you go on the driver side." Kim looked at her boyfriend as she saw him going inside then she looked at Frank. "Hey, I am so sorry for the way my boyfriend was acting." Kim said to Frank. "I think someone pissed in his orange juice this morning." Emma said to Frank as she was joking. "That has to been one hell of a piss." Frank said as he looked at Emma and Kim as the girls started laughing. Brian was mad as he blew his horn then he rolled down his window. "Come on! We have to go now!" He shouted at Kim and Emma. "Come on Kim, let's go. Your boyfriend is being an ass." Emma said to Kim as she got in the back with her girlfriend. Kim nodded then she looked at Frank. "Well I hope you take care of yourself, wherever you are going." Kim said to him as she watched Frank jumped in his van and starts it up, she noticed as he got into a van a notebook fell out and fell on the ground. Kim picked up the spiral notebook as she tries to go to the van, but Frank just took off. "Sir, you left your notebook!" Kim shouted as she was holding the notebook. "Let's go, Kim. We have to go." Brian said to his girlfriend as she sighs and got in the Suburban. Brian sped off as he was still angry about the argument he had with Frank and how jealous he was seeing his girlfriend talking to him. "You should have left that book on the ground or throw it in the trash." Brian said to Kim while driving. "You wouldn't like it if someone throw your things in the trash, right?" Kim said to Brian as she looked at him. Frank was driving as he was annoyed about what happened in the parking lot earlier. He finally saw the sign that said welcome to Crystal Lake as he sighs out of relief. Frank used the GPS off his phone to find the location of his uncle's ranch house. Frank finally made it to the ranch home as he was amazed at the beauty of the house, he got out of his van after he turned it off and used the keys to open the door and walked inside. Brian finally made it to Crystal Lake and used the GPS off his Suburban as he was on his way to his parent's lodge. He was finally there as everyone was excited about staying at the lodge. Brian turned his SUV off then gets out with his girlfriend, Kim looked at the lodge then at her boyfriend with a smile. "It looks good, doesn't it?" Brian said to Kim with a smile. "Absolutely, let's go inside." Kim said as she races to the door as she was anxious to see the inside of the lodge. "Holy shit. It looks amazing." Emma said to her girlfriend as she was stunned at the beauty of the house. "We are going to have one hell of a vacation, babes." Tiffany said as she kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. Teddy got out of the SUV as he had a big smile on his face after he saw the lodge. "Fuck yeah!" He shouted with excitement then Tiffany looked at Omar. "What do you think, O?" She asked her best friend. "It... It is incredible." Omar said as he looked at the house in a state of shock. Tiffany smiled as she walked over and kissed him on the cheek. "We are going to have a great time here, and you are going to forget about you know who." Tiffany said to her best friend with a smile. "Okay, Omar don't forget that Tiffany is mine. So, find your own Tiffany." Emma said to Omar as she was just playing with him. "Hey there tiger, put those claws away." Tiffany said to her girlfriend as she wrapped her arms around her. Teddy poked Omar with his elbow. "Come on bro, let's check out that lodge." He said to him as Omar nodded as they ran inside. "Hey, wait for us!" Emma shouted as her and Tiffany followed Teddy and Omar.

Punishment On Friday The 13th (JVP Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora