Chapter 4

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Behind him driving were six college teenagers who are riding in a black 2019 Chevrolet Suburban as they were excited about spending the summer at Crystal Lake. On the driver side is Brian Hawkins who is a spoiled rich college jock with short brown hair and on the passenger, side is his girlfriend Kimberly Hayes but goes by Kim for short, she is beautiful with long dark blonde hair and very cheerful. In the back are two lesbian couple, one has short red dyed hair with glasses and her name is Emma Carter with a spunky personality, and her girlfriend is Tiffany Davis who has long black hair and is an eye candy. She is also bisexual and known to be very flirty with guys especially with her close male friend who is also riding in the back of the SUV who name is Omar Gibson. Omar is a cool laidback guy with dreadlocks who likes to get high and has a geek side when it comes to video games and anime who is best friends with another stoner who is in the back named Teddy Gonzales who is a jokester who is always on his best friend Omar about his love life. Brian smiled at his girlfriend as he was still driving. "This is going to be a great summer vacation, babe." He said to Kim while driving. "I can't wait until we get to your parents lodge." Kim said with a smile as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "So, dude what happen with Carla?" Teddy asked Omar with a smirk. Omar sighs as he didn't really want to talk about her. It has been a month since him and Carla broke up. "I don't know, Teddy." Omar said to Teddy as he was playing a game on his phone then he stopped as he looked at his friend as he started to vent out details of his relationship problems. "First, she said that she needed space, I gave her that because she claimed that I was too clingy. Then a week later, she told me that we should see other people. So, what the fuck happened?" Omar said as he looked at Teddy. "She is a cheerleader. She wanted to be treated right, O." Teddy said with a smirk. "That is what is driving me crazy. I treated her right, Ted." Omar said as he didn't know what to do. "I'll tell you what, I am going to type this on this love app on my phone." Teddy said as he was on his phone. "Bro I'm serious." Omar said as he was still frustrated with his breakup with Carla. "So am I. This app will tell what the problem is." Teddy said as he typed the problem on his phone, he saw the results as he was trying not to laugh. "What is so funny?" Omar said as he looked at him. "You won't believe me, but the app says you are a dead fuck." Teddy said as he was still trying to hold back the laughs. "Bullshit, Teddy. Dead fuck?" Omar said as he looked at him. "You know a lousy lame. Someone who can't get the job done." Teddy said as he looked at him. "Special app my ass, there is no such thing." Omar said as he looked at him pissed off. "And there is no Carla either. The phone doesn't lie bro." Teddy said as he looked at him. "I guess I am a dead fuck?" Omar said as he sighs. Emma rolled her eyes as she heard enough as she turned around and looked at Teddy. "Teddy grow up. You are such an ass. Don't pay him any attention Omar, you are not a dead fuck." Emma said to Omar. "I didn't say this. The phone did." Teddy said to Emma as he held up his phone. "It was not Omar's fault that Carla left him. Carla is a slut who sleeps with anything with a penis. She had this plan, dump Omar and move on to the next guy. That is what she does." Emma said to Teddy as she looked at him then Tiffany turned around and looked at her best friend. "Exactly and Omar there is plenty fish in the sea. You deserve better love. Fuck Carla." Tiffany said to Omar then she rolled her eyes at Teddy before sitting back down. "Yeah, Carla can suck a big one." Emma said as she smiled at Omar before turning around. Omar faked a cough as he was trying not to laugh as Teddy put in his earbuds as he was embarrassed by the girls grilling him about Omar's relationship problems. Brian was still driving as he was getting hungry. "Hey guys, how about we stop by this diner for something to eat? I'm starving." Brian asked everyone. "I'm definitely am hungry." Kimberly said to her boyfriend with a smile. "Count the three of us back here. I don't know about Teddy but I'm sure he is okay with it." Emma said to Brian. "Well it has been settled. Nothing better than some good hot breakfast." Brian said as he made a turn after making it to a small town called Packanack Lake, which is located close to Crystal Lake. Brian slowly pulled up in the parking lot, he parked next to a silver van and turned his Suburban off then gets out.

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