Chapter 10

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The next day, Frank decide to go to the Crystal Lake Mental Institute to visit someone. He was talking to one of the nurses. "Good luck with trying to get her to say anything. She hasn't said anything since she came here." The nurse said to Frank. "Sounds like she has been through hell." Frank said to the nurse as he was looking at the patient sitting at the table. "She has. I can't blame her for losing it the way she did." The nurse said to him as she walked off. Frank walked to the table and sits down across from the young lady. She had a cigarette in her mouth. "Do you have a lighter?" She asked Frank as he nodded and pulled out a lighter and lit up her cigarette as she started smoking. "Whitney Miller, right?" Frank asked her. "That's me." Whitney said to Frank as she blew smoke through her nose. "The nurse said you haven't talked since you came here." Frank said as he looked at her. "So, why are you here? Mister--" Whitney said to Frank as he responded. "Castle. Frank Castle. I came here because I need some answers. I read a story online that there was a massacre that took place in this town and the article said that you and your brother were the only two survivors. But they never mentioned who the killer was." Frank said as he looked at her. Whitney was still smoking her cigarette. "That's true. The killer you are preferring to. His name is... Jason Voorhees." Whitney said to Frank as she didn't want to mention that name. "Jason Voorhees?" Frank asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Yeah... Back in the 1950's a boy named Jason Voorhees drowned in the lake at Camp Crystal Lake. The counselors wasn't watching him because they were too busy getting it on. His mom went crazy and started killing counselors, blaming them for her son's death. It was said that Jason survived and saw his mother being beheaded by one of the counselors with a machete. Legend has it that Jason is killing people whoever comes to Crystal Lake." Whitney said to Frank as she puts out her cigarette. "Sounds like an urban legend to me." Frank said to her as she shook her head. "It's not because my boyfriend and my friends were killed by that psychopath. He had me locked in chains underground. My looks is what kept me alive due to me favoring his mother. My brother was the one who saved me." Whitney said as she looked at him. "So, what happened to your brother?" Frank asked as he looked at her as Whitney sighs. "He is off in college in Massachusetts, trying to put his life together. He is living with his girlfriend, somehow, she survived the attack from Jason. Her name is Jenna. I'm sure her story is in one of the articles you read about her survival. It's a miracle that paramedics revived her." Whitney said as she looked at him. "So, did he commit you here?" Frank asked as he looked at her then she shook her head. "No. I chose to come here. I thought it was best to stay here." Whitney said as she looked at him. "Why did you want to stay here? Did you think you will be safe here?" Frank asked her then she sighs and wiped her tears.

"Maybe. So, what made you come see me?" Whitney said as she looked at him. "Someone told me that this town has a death curse and if I stay here then I am doomed. Then I found an article online about a Crystal Lake Massacre and it said that you and your brother were the survivors and so was Jenna, luckily. I came here to get some answers so I can know where to go from here." Frank said as he looked at her. "Do you think you can stop him?" Whitney asked as she looked at him. "I don't know but I am willing to try." Frank said as she looked at her. "If you are going to go after him, my advice is to kill him. Make sure the job is finished. Unfortunately, me and Clay couldn't get it done." Whitney said as she looked at him. "I will make sure that the job is done. In the article you said that Jason guy pulled you in the water after you and your brother dumped his body in the lake. Is that true?" Frank said as he looked at her. "I don't know. The police and doctors told me that I was having a bad dream and they said that they found me laying in the barn. But the dream felt so real though." Whitney said to Frank as she was thinking. "This morning I found a journal written by my late uncle. In one of the stories he wrote, he claimed he heard about the murders in this town. He claimed that a friend of his and his wife went missing after going fishing. I'm starting to believe there might be foul play in his death." Frank said as he was thinking. "What you was told about your uncle's death?" Whitney asked him. "His attorney informed me that he and his wife died in a car accident. I inherited his home here." Frank said as he looked at her. "I think it's bullshit. I believe he told you that to get you to live there. I overheard some of the nurses talking and said that the massacre fucked up the town's population. No one wants to come near that place because of it. So, they are trying to get whoever to come there." Whitney said to him as Frank nodded. "And they also prey on the people who doesn't know any better." Frank asked her as Whitney looked at him. "Bingo." Whitney said to him. Frank slowly nodded as he was thinking about something. "Well I appreciate you for talking to me and giving me the answers that I need." Frank said as he looked at her. "Can you promise me that you will kill that fucker for good?" Whitney said as she looked at him as he nodded. "I will make sure that I blow his ass straight to hell." Frank said as he stood up. "Can you do me another favor?" Whitney asked as she looked up at him. "What is it?" Frank asked her. "Don't tell anyone that I talk." Frank nodded as he walked out of the room with her as he understood what she meant. "Any luck with her?" The nurse asked Frank. "No. Nothing." Frank replied as he was trying to keep Whitney's confession a secret. "I knew it was a waste of time trying to talk to her. You have a nice day, sir." The nurse said to him as he walked outside to the parking lot. Frank got in his 1970 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 and starts it up. He thought about everything Whitney told him especially about how people were conned into moving to Crystal Lake. He though about his uncle and aunt as he was wondering if their deaths was really by a car accident. He took off as he used his GPS to find the morgue in the Crystal Lake area.

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