Part 13

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Btw ages are 16 to 20 so Sam and Hayes are 16
*Few hours later*
I heard voices so I woke up to see what they were.
"Good morning baby"hey said kissing my head.
"Does it really take this long just to get to New York?"I asked still tired
"Yea the plane is about to land in 10 mins"
"Ok How is Matt doing?" I said looking at Matt who was on his phone.
"He is doing ok but me and the guys have a gift for him"
"What is it?"
"Matt it's best this friend in the whole entire world Haley she is waiting by the airport gate"
"Really she is here I haven't seen her in a while!"
*Haley is Matt's best friend since like forever but he hasn't seen her because of Magcon*
The plane landed in everybody got off and I ran up to Matt
"Hey Matt wait up!!"I yelled and he stopped and waited.
"Here put this on and don't ask any questions!"I said and he did what he was towed without hesitation.when he put it on I took him to the gate there was Haley waiting.I took of the blindfold and he stood there looking at Haley he was so surprise.
"Haley!!"Matt screamedand he ran up to her.
"Matt!!"She said and she jumped and a hug him Matt spun her around that seem like forever.
*Matt pov*
I missed haley so much that I had tears running down my face.There was a part of me that always loved Haley but it went away when I started dating Lilly.we kept hug you for a long time when I felt a tap on my shoulder I turn around and it was Sam.
"Hey Matt you do know we have to go to a hotel right?"she said so innocently
"Yeah sorry I just missed her so much"I said wiping my tears away
"Well guess what we have another gift for you" Sam said with the biggest smile on her face
"Haley gets to come with us to for the rest of the tour we got her tickets and everything!"Sam said I was so happy I jump up-and-down and I went to pick up Sam and spun her around.
"Thank you !!thank you so much !!thank you Sam!!"I said still spinning her around
"Don't thank me thank the guy they're the ones I really planned this for you!"Sam said as I put her down I walked over to the guys and we had a group hug
"Thank you much so much you guys what would I do without you!"I soon as we finish our group hug we to the hotel
*Sam pov*
I was so happy to see Matt happy he has been sad for so long since him and Lillys break up.Everybody went into the rooms.Me and Hayes were in the room next to Matt and Haley and they would not shut up.
"Hayes I swear they have not stopped talking since we got here it's like they won't stop looking at each other!"
"Well babe let's say we haven't seen each other in a year we would have not stopped talking in a year is a long time so yeah just give him some space."
"Yeah I guess."I said and Hayes came over and sat next to me on the bed
"Come on let's go to sleep it's pretty late."Hayes said and he kissed my four head.I guess I was pretty sleepy I fell asleep and Hayes arms.Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings us

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