Part 35

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*Sam pov*
Emily and I were shocked.We were speechless
"I'll give you time alone"The doctor said and left. I looked at Cameron he was shocked as well. Cameron and Emily walked over to me
"I guess we are brother and sisters" Emily said
"I guess so"
* Cameron pov *
I just found out my two best friends turned out to be my two younger sisters. I couldn't believe it.
"I guess I'm the oldest so you guys better do what I say or I'll whip your ass!" I said jokingly. They laughed
"But there is one thing I don't understand?" Sam said
"And what is that?" I asked
"If we are brother and sister how come we never knew until now?"
"That is a good question we should look into it" I said and took out the laptop I had with me
"Why do you have a laptop with you?" Taylor asked
"Well I need something to do here" I said opening my laptop
* Sam pov *
As Cameron was looking through his laptop me and Hayes just talked
"I can't believe this happened to us" I said to Hayes
"I can't believe it either baby but life has its ways" Hayes said pulling me closer
"I found it!!" Cameron said
"What does it say?" Taylor said
"In 1997 there was a fire in a house.There were 2 adults found dead and 3 children found alive. The oldest one oldest one was 1 years old. These children were taken into foster care and were later spilt up and went to different family......Until this day we are unaware of their location "Cameron said finishing up our stories.
"So this mean our real parents died and we are all adopted?" I said
"That's weird but the thing that I don't get it if you guys are brother and sisters and met as friends didn't you guys wonder?"hayes asked
"Well that would explain how much we have in common but I couldn't believe we didn't even know. It clue that we were related?!"I said

"Well you did always have my chin" Cameron said poking my chin I pushed him away and smiled.Then the doctor came in the room.

"I don't mean to interrupt anything but I would just like to let you know that Sam is fine and all of you can go home now"

"Thank you doctor" Nash said.The doctor smiled and left.Hayes lifted me up bridal style and took me to the car.Then we drove back to the hotel.

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